Men are reacting to this video on why they stopped Cold Approaching for good


Mar 11, 2022
She can like you….But have a bf. She can like you…but have a kid. And that wouldn’t come up til later

Plus you really gotta put yourself out there be awkward, in front of other people, etc. Just to be treated like it’s a pleasure for her to talk to you….

So yea I’ll cold approaches she’s really fine.

Just went thru all this yesterday

Posted up working at this market. I see a drop dead gorgeous joint. I stop everything. I leave my laptop, bag, personal belongings unattended :bryan: I make a bee line and just pull tf up even with her friend there ‘sorry but you are just too fine are I had to say something’

Asked her if she was African that opened up some convo, she just got back from traveling, etc. Ffwd ….‘I’m kinda dating someone’ :mjcry: But she still gave me the number :myman:

Cold approach in a nutshell. I got plenty of chicks I could engage online, but this one badder. …but this one also may not be available and end up being a waste of time