Let's be honest, Meltzer is all over the place... did you think AJ vs. Cody was better than AJ vs. Nak? Because he just gave AJ vs. Cody 5 stars...
People take his opinion way too seriously.
On Meltzer's scale I'd probably give AJ vs Nak a 6. Which AJ vs Cody? France? I'd probably give that a 4.5. I'd probably have to watch it again.
I'm not big on rating matches either. But if someone is going to ask like you did, or I need to use it for a comparison conversation, I will. I'm more on the side of, did I like it or not? That's usually how I see things.
An example, I watched Giulia vs Sareee and IYO vs Utami and while I liked both I thought IYO vs Utami was the way better match. No need for a rating with that.