Melissa Harris-Perry Promo About Raising Children ‘Collectively’ Becomes News

the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013
:leostare: This sends chills down my spine like many left wing socialist ideas it sounds fantastic on paper but when you envision the execution it will probably produce the opposite of what is promised.

Alot of parents are already failing this hard


And now you wanna absolve them from whatever little personal moral and legal responsibility left that they cannot ignore without going to prison by putting the onus on the "community" :leon:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
:leostare: This sends chills down my spine like many left wing socialist ideas it sounds fantastic on paper but when you envision the execution it will probably produce the opposite of what is promised.

Alot of parents are already failing this hard

And now you wanna absolve them from whatever little personal moral and legal responsibility left that they cannot ignore without going to prison by putting the onus on the "community" :leon:

:beli: so one goofy broad on a train means that inner-city kids don't deserve quality educations?

the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013
:beli: so one goofy broad on a train means that inner-city kids don't deserve quality educations?

Who said that..I said collectivism of any sort especially in child rearing is a great idea in theory but im certain it will not work and will actually backfire

My question to you is are they getting a good education now?

You think it will get any better if it was socialized even more?


May 6, 2012
Nope that's just the same old republican talking points used to justify the continued unfair treatment of inner-city people. That 70% number is misleading and has nothing to do with the condition of poor neighborhoods in America. It is a symptom of the problem, not the cause.

You take a kid, you start him out from the absolute bottom, you give him the least resources and opportunities, then you put up extra barriers on top of that. Then if he doesn't make it to the same success as a kid that was given everything you tell him "you should have tried harder" :rudy: FOH with that.

Personal responsibilty is important. But successful people in America are not "personally responsible" for that success. An infrastructure has been created and maintained to offer success to some, and to hinder it for others.

Wow there is so much ignorance in that response I don't know where to begin. Bringing up the fact that high rates of illegitimate births contribute to poverty isn't a Republican talking point it is simply reality. Look up the poverty rates for children born to single parent households and compare it to those born to two parent households. The difference is staggering. Unfortunately, you don't want to acknowledge that truth because it means folks are personally responsible for their condition as opposed to being helpless victims.

You can say that the breakdown of the family is a symptom of the problem and not the cause but that is also false. Black people have been treated unfairly in this country since its inception. But the breakdown of the black family structure is a recent phenemonen starting in the 1960's. The black family structure was most intact during times of the worst discrimination.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Who said that..I said collectivism of any sort especially in child rearing is a great idea in theory but im certain it will not work and will actually backfire

My question to you is are they getting a good education now?

You think it will get any better if it was socialized even more?

You just want to place labels on things and call them bad. No one said anything about collectivism or socialism. Currently too many of our kids are not receiving good educations and that needs to change. No goofy chick on a bus can justify the unfair treatment a lot of American citizens, kids in particular, get.

You always want to take old ideas that got white folks into power and somehow demonize them before they get black people. This country was built on working together and lending a hand to your neighbor, and educating each others kids. But now you wanna say that's a bad thing.:snoop:


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
The liberal mindset is a dangerous one indeed. All of this "community parenting" garbage just adds more palatability to single motherhood. So not only is the government accountable for subsidizing your lifestyle choice, but also the people around you must act as de facto parents for your b*stards. Its bewildering that y'all can't see how this type of conditioning nullifies the family structure.

Smh at this The Borg ass, Klingon-looking bytch

the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013
You just want to place labels on things and call them bad. No one said anything about collectivism or socialism.
I guess you didnt watch the same video that OP posted so i will help you out


I guess you missed that part 0:10 s where she says collective responsibility.......and i got news for you public education is socialist..

Currently too many of our kids are not receiving good educations and that needs to change. No goofy chick on a bus can justify the unfair treatment a lot of American citizens, kids in particular, get.
Again..i dont know who else youre arguing with in your head but i posted that to show how lightly some parents take their responsibility...if we start any kind of communal parenting programs and philosophies parents like that will totally abdicate their responsibility

:sitdown: You tell a shytty mother like that that the "community" has her back she will probably leave the baby on the bus seat and bounce

You always want to take old ideas that got white folks into power and somehow demonize them before they get black people. This country was built on working together and lending a hand to your neighbor, and educating each others kids. But now you wanna say that's a bad thing.:snoop:

:whoo: Youre Right the Navahoe and cherokee built this nation on collectivism and working together but the white man put an end to all that

and now were here..pandoras box has been opened and it cant be closed..Were individualists ..we cannot think like collectivists if we wanted to is what it is brah


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Wow there is so much ignorance in that response I don't know where to begin. Bringing up the fact that high rates of illegitimate births contribute to poverty isn't a Republican talking point it is simply reality. Look up the poverty rates for children born to single parent households and compare it to those born to two parent households. The difference is staggering. Unfortunately, you don't want to acknowledge that truth because it means folks are personally responsible for their condition as opposed to being helpless victims.

Unwed children is a symptom of poverty, not the cause, it's like that all over the world.

This 70% statistic republicans like to bring up is misleading at best. First off in the last 40 years as our "out of wedlock" rate has gone up, Our economic and educational achievement has also gone up. Therefore this number can't be as detrimental as you say it is. Second young black unwed mothers are actually having less babies than they were 40 years ago. The problem is married black women aren't having many babies at all, so it makes the ratio look much worse than it is.

Also the idea that some statistic can tell you the future of a kid is stupid in the first place. Plenty of people have kids then get married. Plenty of kids grow up with a responsible step father in their life. Plenty of kids grow up with two fukked up parents. Plenty of parents get divorced. Saying a child was "born out of wedlock" tells you absolutely nothing about that child's future.

You can say that the breakdown of the family is a symptom of the problem and not the cause but that is also false. Black people have been treated unfairly in this country since its inception. But the breakdown of the black family structure is a recent phenemonen starting in the 1960's. The black family structure was most intact during times of the worst discrimination.

Revisionist history here. We never had a time when we could cultivate strong family structures in America. From slavery times when families were purposely split up, to the Jim Crow era when social pressure and inequality made it so our young men either had to turn to crime or the army to make a living for themselves to the 70s and 80s when drugs tore what little communty we had apart we have never had been able to cultivate a strong family culture.

the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013

I feel sorry for that girl man..notice she didnt even fuss or cry when the mother was screaming her idiot head off

Its like she is used to the noise and yelling

hell she didnt even cry after the toss off to a total stranger...

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
The ironic thing about all this is that Conservatives have traditionally championed causes that can only be described as collective parenting- legislating morality by censoring things for all children under a certain age, campaigns and PSAs about negative music, movies, videogames, religious propaganda, waging "culture wars," complaining that secularization means "no holidays for the children," etc. One of the most common Conservative arguments against the mainstreaming of homosexuality and gay marriage is that "our kids shouldn't have to see that," as if they can speak for all parents.

Furthermore, old-fashioned American and most old world immigrant values encourage exactly this attitude- people's neighbors did and still do tell them about their own kids, discipline them, etc. But of course, this ad isn't referring to any of the above.

Hyping up this ad and twisting its message into some kind of hivemind propaganda or anti-individualist screed is ridiculous, though. The message should be agreeable to most. Hyperindividualist Margaret Thatcher-style "there is no society, only individuals and their families" attitudes are fundamentally wrong and negative. Some robust notion of community is important, and a general investment in the future, for the sake of each individual, necessarily involves including that notion of community, and therefore children in general, in it. Individualism quite literally ignores itself when it forgets community.

I want to see children in general succeed, not just the one who are related to me, and part of what her idea entails is creating a proper culture of parenthood in society that all families, especially those in the Black community, could benefit from- it's not actually at odds with Conservatism at all, unless you twist it far out of proportion.

No, that's only part of the picture. The other part, which itself contributes to that breakdown, is neoliberal economic policy that's based on a hyperindividualist notion of the citizen and an ignorance and demonization of any and all forms of collectivity that aren't "the market" (as if that's even really a collective endeavor in free market theory.) It destroyed everything that was good about the social programs and services in Black neighborhoods. That nonsense is precisely the problem.

Exactly. Conservatives are always talking about moral decline and social decay, and lack of decorum and community. I remember hearing Charles Murray talking about how there's more crime and poverty now now because back in the 50's, everyone knew each other and helped each other out and there were strong communal bonds.

They always talk about how the counterculture and the sexual revolution started the decline of America, and how we've lost moral character, how losing our connection with God is a crisis, blah, blah, blah.

They espouse these communal principles when it comes to their social wars, but then completely shun the concept when it comes to collectivist policies. It's a bit disingenuous.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Parenting ain't everything, people. Some of you are really downplaying the impact one's outside environment has on them. Watch this video.

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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I guess you didnt watch the same video that OP posted so i will help you out

Lean Forward... Collectively: Melissa Harris-Perry's MSNBC Ad Says All Of Your Children Belong To Us - YouTube

I guess you missed that part 0:10 s where she says collective responsibility.......and i got news for you public education is socialist..
You labeled that as "collectivism" to try to make it a bad word. In reality she's just talking about community looking out for each other which we should do. It's amazing to me how y'all say family structure is so important and then say community working together and helping each other out is a bad thing. How the hell do you teach people the importance of family if you don't show it to them through community?.

Again..i dont know who else youre arguing with in your head but i posted that to show how lightly some parents take their responsibility...if we start any kind of communal parenting programs and philosophies parents like that will totally abdicate their responsibility

:sitdown: You tell a shytty mother like that that the "community" has her back she will probably leave the baby on the bus seat and bounce
Yes and you used that video as a reason as to why we shouldn't try to give our kids the best chance we can. Yes parents are important, but it makes no sense to not concentrate on educating and helping the kids regardless of what their parents are doing.

:whoo: Youre Right the Navahoe and cherokee built this nation on collectivism and working together but the white man put an end to all that

and now were here..pandoras box has been opened and it cant be closed..Were individualists ..we cannot think like collectivists if we wanted to is what it is brah

That's where you are wrong. White people aren't individualists. They just gained enough in numbers to become the majority, and practiced collectivism within themselves to retain power. Community, society, doesn't work without people coming together and working torward a common goal.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
It isn't my job to raise somebody else's kid. It is the job of that kid's mother and father.

The reason society, especially in black inner cities, is crumbling is because of the breakdown of the traditional family. When 70% of baby births are illegitimate there is a huge problem. Left wingers would rather blame society instead of addressing the real problem which is so many fathers having no part in their lives of their children. Liberals hate the idea of personal responsibility.

It aint other people's job to protect your sniveling, weak, no puzzy gettin ass in all these goddamn wars and conflicts, but people step up and do it for the betterment of the collective. It aint "collectivism" and "socialism" as long as its mostly the poor and minority getting blown to bits on your behalf.

This conservative snow job where formerly accepted and celebrated principles on taxes, community, regulation, unions, social programs etc. as now all somehow being evil concepts is truly a sight to behold. Americans werent hostile to ideas of community and unity during the leave it to beaver days. BTW, didnt that pumpkin head Bill O'Reilly just get finished crying about how "united" America was in the '50s??? Perry suggests almost the exact same thing, and conservatives compare it to hitler. I dont know whats the bigger culprit here, racism or stupidity.

And why the fck is your bytch ass so fixated on Black people here? What happened to conservatives and all this post-racial, colorblind, we are Americans first bullsht. What gives?