Isaiah Bradley
smh. We're in the midst of FBA vs ADOS stan wars that proves skin color alone don't justify capeing, this after the lack of support from Black folks for a "Black" female candidate, who purposely keep her husband away from the campaign...but you still feel comfortable questioning why an ambiguous woman, whose current husband/ex-husband are white, needs proof to use Black plights to summarize her experience. Maybe start with having pride in being consistent?Since when is any of that proof of her Blackness?
Like, seriously, all Black people aren't politically minded like that, even regular Black folks I know aren't at Black Lives Matter rallys like that, even if they agree with it. Most people just go to work, school, and chill with their peoples. Now, you gotta be Erica Garner in order to be considered Black?
And yes, embracing her Black mother is proof that she's Black to me.
How many White people do you know that have Black parents?![]()
You don't know anything about her mom's view on the world, but yet her skin color is enough to satisfy your point because it benefits your fav celebrity
Switch topics, parents by default are being blamed for the actions of their kids (regardless of race).
Since her mom had a white husband and Meghan followed along, then she obviously didn't "embrace" her Blackness like you're trying to juelz. So it's silly to reference her mom because you have nothing of Meghan to use
Celebrity worshiping is a disease. Using identity politics to justify different criterias to be applied is shameful and self serving