I don't think Meek's song was trash, it wasn't great but it wasn't that horrible. And so many people considered Nas the winner cause the odds were against him, hip-hop's always embraced the underdog, until now. I know Meek started this whole thing, but you'd still think he'd have more supporters just off the strength that his backs against the wall, if Drake's rap career ended he'd move right back into acting, he's set for life no matter what. Meek really came from nothing, he really was a broke, dirty dude running with grimy dudes who had little choice other than to sell drugs if they wanted a better life. He embodies what so many people were and what they aspire to be, and even most of these people aren't standing by him, cause it's not the popular thing to do. Chicks, old white people, and corporate America are swaying public opinion in such a way that Pac and Big must be rolling in their graves, and Jay, Nas, all the old school really from the street legends must be heartbroken that their culture has turned into this.