MEAN speeding ticket in VA


May 1, 2012
:ufdup: This is what you do, breh.

Go to court with a copy of your clean driving record from MD (make sure you do this)

Plead guilty with an explanation. Admit that you were speeding. Say you usually don't drive in such a manner, but you were late for an important meeting and you lost track of your speed (or some other story like that)

Apologize and ask if you can attend a safe driving course since you have a good driving record.

Judge will more than likely let you do this. Judge will hold judgment until u complete course. You have a few weeks to complete the course, which is a 7 hr class. Knock it out on a Saturday. It wil cost around $70.

Judge may reduce your fine amount. You will also pay court costs, but the best part is that you wont get points on your license. The class will throw the points in the bushes (or reduce them a lot). You don't want your insurance to go sky high and be looking at your bill like :wtf:

You don't need a lawyer. Come to court with a shirt and tie. Don't come looking like :umad:

Follow these instructions and you will be :blessed:
This was my first instinct simply since I would wanna be cheap and not pay a lawer. This would absolutely be my move in Maryland, but down in VA if the judge dont give a fukk......thats it. Id get the book thrown at me. I will consider it as Plan C though.

Over time it'll save money because if he gets points his insurance will go up. :yeshrug: If he get a lawyer and pay the lawyer he'll never have to even appear in court, nor will it show as a speeding violation on his record. But don't take my word or anyone elses just talk to a lawyer and they'll explain it for you because every state is different.
Plan B right here. I dont think Ive seen anybody even claim a lawyer under $350 was useful in a VA case, but the money might be worth it. The peace of mind would be great as well

Plan A Im thinking is to talk to the prosecutor since its free and I could end up with an acceptable bargain early on. I just dont know how long it will take for my case to get assigned since this happened last night.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
who drives 85-95 MPH? Yall nikkas tryna die?!

in a 55?!?! :dead: i barely touch 70...i aint about no ticket life.

majority of our speeds are 35, 45, 50, 55, and 60.

I stick to 5 MPH over and i have NEVER been stopped.

them school zones of 20 and 25 here they have meters...i be UNDER the limit there.

only thing on my record is comprehensive claims due to hail storms :smh:

70 is not getting the job done. When I first started driving, I prolly rolled at 84 on average, then I moved to the DMV and started driving about 75 cuz the cops out there. Now I'm in Chicago and back to 80-85. Gotta keep it moving


May 11, 2012
MOCO awl day
Help me brehs....89 in a 55. :damn:
The cop walked up on me literally did the :ufdup:
Here are the details

- Happened in Fairfax County, VA
- I have a Maryland license and Im a Maryland resident
- I have a clean driving record
- It says wreckless driving on the ticket but I have to report to TRAFFIC court, not criminal court.

Im hoping a combination of probation, community service, a fine, etc will keep points off my license. Any suggestions?

The exact same thing happened to me... but I'm a female so the cop dropped it down to 10 miles over + some fee, so all I had to pay was $180 and I got no points on my license :queen:

Also, my driving record is horrible, I get speeding tickets every couple months smh

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
70 is not getting the job done. When I first started driving, I prolly rolled at 84 on average, then I moved to the DMV and started driving about 75 cuz the cops out there. Now I'm in Chicago and back to 80-85. Gotta keep it moving


im not saying ive never gone faster than 70...when i evacuated for a hurricane the speed limit was 70 and i did 80.

but where the fukk do yall live and have to go where you think its safe to drive over 70?

i will pray for yall safety and hope yall wear seatbelts :lawd: