MCU Cap's love for Bucky is kinda shameful

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
Imagine you were blasted 100 years into the future, and the only person you had from 2018 was your best friend. You’d do whatever to keep him alive. It’s the same reason dude in Altered Carbon struggled with killing his sister.

that's not the question.

the question is would you defend yourself if he came to attack and possibly kill you.


Feb 8, 2015
that's not the question.

the question is would you defend yourself if he came to attack and possibly kill you.

That’s not the question. The question is asking why Cap defended Bucky. That’s the answer. It would be like us being transferred to the year 2120. The world would too different for us to fit in. Having someone from your own timeline would be the only thing stopping you from going crazy.

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
Cap is the biggest problem in these movies. In winter soldier hes a giant hypocrite regarding secret missions, since he himself was doing nothing but covert ops.

Then in Civil War, he's against not just one government regulating the heroes but 120 countries that ratified the fukking agreement, and he still thinks he's above the law. :skip: And this is coming from a soldier who takes orders for a living. His ego, and entitlement is off the charts.

Just because winter soldier was brainwashed doesnt absolve him of his crimes. He still murdered people. Those people deserve justice. People in cults and people who were abused dont get to use the brainwashed argument to completely remove all guilt. Bullshyt. LOCK HIM UP

And when he was sassing Tony in The Avengers that shyt bugged me too. "Take away the suit and who are you" - like nikka I built this suit:what: I gave myself the ability to be a hero. Take away your fukking steroids and WHO ARE YOU?!:pacspit:

His skinny ass would have died from the fukking flu or polio with the serum. fukk him.
Uh . . . Cap is above the law.:patrice:

The dude told every government in the world fukk they rules I'm gonna do what I want. :birdman:
They proceeded to throw everything at him and he still handled them. Including Tony's bytch ass. Then he broke out the homies.:myman:
If that's not being above the law I don't know what is. Not to mention Cap was right about EVERYTHING.

Cole Cash

They took a hammer and sickle to my back
May 1, 2012
Baltimore Maryland
cap's behavior in civil war actually makes a strong case FOR the avengers being regulated.

if cap would risk the safety of others just to protect his friend then he is no position to exist above the govt.

if its one thing the civil war movie was missing, its the fact that Penance blew up a fukking school by accident filming a reality show forcing george w. bush's hand in regulating all superheroes.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
if its one thing the civil war movie was missing, its the fact that Penance blew up a fukking school by accident filming a reality show forcing george w. bush's hand in regulating all superheroes.

It wasn't penance, it was nitro that blew up getting caught by the new warriors remember.... :coffee:


May 17, 2014
Uh . . . Cap is above the law.:patrice:

The dude told every government in the world fukk they rules I'm gonna do what I want. :birdman:
They proceeded to throw everything at him and he still handled them. Including Tony's bytch ass. Then he broke out the homies.:myman:
If that's not being above the law I don't know what is. Not to mention Cap was right about EVERYTHING.
Cap was right about what again.:stopitslime: The UN wanted accords, Tchaka even brought Wakanda out of hiding to get this shyt done, and died for nothing. Cap thinks he knows how to run the world, when he cant even protect civilians in Sokovia OR Nigeria. If he thinks hes above the governments of the world he's a terrorist or a dictator. The man cant even get Crossbones without collateral damage, whats he going to do when Eternals and Celestials come to Earth:pachaha:

He spent all movie defending Bucky, saying he didnt do this bombing. But what about the 7 decades worth of assassinations, bombings, and murders Cap? :patrice:

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
Cap was right about what again.:stopitslime:
Remember when Cap told Fury shield had to much power.
Remember when Cap said Bucky was innocent.

Thehe UN wanted accords, Tchaka even brought Wakanda out of hiding to get this shyt done, and died for nothing.
They didn't come out of hiding until the end of Black Panther. The UN people thought he had a country full of goat farmers.
Cap thinks he knows how to run the world, when he cant even protect civilians in Sokovia OR Nigeria.
He never he said he should be in charge of everything. But he trusts himself to do whats right more than any government. The dude is fighting super Android's on a fukking meteor and terrorists cells but you nikkas expect there not to be casualties. Like the US don't be blowing up hospitals and children playgrounds on accident.:stopitslime:
If he thinks hes above the governments of the world he's a terrorist or a dictator. The man cant even get Crossbones without collateral damage, whats he going to do when Eternals and Celestials come to Earth:pachaha:
You say terrorists
I say free agent.:youngsabo:
The celestials ain't here yet.

He spent all movie defending Bucky, saying he didnt do this bombing. But what about the 7 decades worth of assassinations, bombings, and murders Cap? :patrice:
We don't bring that up. The same way we don't bring up how many people iron man's weapons killed. Or how mean people black widow assassinated. Everybody a good guy now right?:sas1:

The Wolf Among You

Sep 19, 2015
Just because winter soldier was brainwashed doesnt absolve him of his crimes. He still murdered people. Those people deserve justice. People in cults and people who were abused dont get to use the brainwashed argument to completely remove all guilt. Bullshyt. LOCK HIM UP

People in cults aren't brainwashed on the level of Bucky. With a few words he goes from a human to a machine that will obey your every command to the letter.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
that's not the question.

the question is would you defend yourself if he came to attack and possibly kill you.

At that point, Steve had lost everyone he knew, his best friend had been turned into the thing he almost died fighting for, and he couldn't even trust SHIELD to be on the right side of the law because they had been infiltrated by Hydra. Dude was just done. It wasn't even about fighting or being the best, he was just like what the fukk am I here for? It doesn't make him "bytch-made", it means his singular focus for fighting and living was gone.

Uh . . . Cap is above the law.:patrice:

The dude told every government in the world fukk they rules I'm gonna do what I want. :birdman:
They proceeded to throw everything at him and he still handled them. Including Tony's bytch ass. Then he broke out the homies.:myman:
If that's not being above the law I don't know what is. Not to mention Cap was right about EVERYTHING.


Cap was right about what again.:stopitslime: The UN wanted accords, Tchaka even brought Wakanda out of hiding to get this shyt done, and died for nothing. Cap thinks he knows how to run the world, when he cant even protect civilians in Sokovia OR Nigeria. If he thinks hes above the governments of the world he's a terrorist or a dictator. The man cant even get Crossbones without collateral damage, whats he going to do when Eternals and Celestials come to Earth:pachaha:

He spent all movie defending Bucky, saying he didnt do this bombing. But what about the 7 decades worth of assassinations, bombings, and murders Cap? :patrice:

GTFOH about them Accords. They gave the Avengers 3 days to read that thick ass book they'd created over the course of a year? And then they turn around and break their own laws. Tony and Ross violated the Accords hunting down Steve and his crew. Tony is a hypocrite. Not only did he start making calls for other super powered folks to help him (against the Accords), but then he sneaks a high schooler across seas to help him do it. That dude didn't care about the law. Alfre Woodard made him feel guilty about some shyt he wasn't even thinking about before and then he decides everyone needs to repent for his past sins. Steve saw right through that shyt.

Tell me this, how would the Accords actually work in practice? We know theoretically, there would be an international committee that would meet and decide if and when to bring in the Avengers, but say there's an attack on New York, and the Avengers are right there. Are you saying you really agree with some international committee holding a conference and debating about how to respond while there's an active attack going down? It's ridiculous.