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Is the argument that vaccines aren’t effective against Omicron now?
I understand it’s far more transmissible and may lead to short term absences, but vast majority of evidence shows that protection against severe outcomes remains.
If you agree with vaccine protection, why frame it as a life or death decision in January 2022?
Schools are open in all of Scandinavia (including in Denmark with huge Omicron wave), France, UK, Switzerland, Germany, Austria etc
These are countries with vastly different relationships to their social welfare systems and to teachers more specifically, yet they all decided it’s not a fatal proposition to reopen schools given vaccine protection and low risk to kids. It’s only in North America where it’s been framed differently and it won’t age well for liberals and progressives.
Omicron isn't the only variant going around in case you didn't know. If it the vaccine was mandatory for children I would be a little less concerned but that isn't the case. A lot of parents aren't getting their children vaccinated and they're in schools getting infected and spreading it other children, teachers, support staff, caregivers and the list goes on.
Europe has done a pretty piss poor job with the Covid so I don't know why you're holding them up as some shining example.
It's a political and economic decision and not a public health decision from where I'm sitting.