That VR game is gonna be trash...
but the next Max Payne game will be fun.
but the next Max Payne game will be fun.
Who cares if they rip off the mechanics if the game is still good? The Shadow of Mordor games aren't any less good because the mechanics are ripped off from Arkham.It would be a rip off then, let's keep John Wick in cinema and away from gaming and let's have another Max Payne instead.. a remake of the first would be dope
Who cares if they rip off the mechanics if the game is still good? The Shadow of Mordor games aren't any less good because the mechanics are ripped off from Arkham.
Okay, my point is that was still well received...Shadow Of Mordor games is a reskinned Arkham game though. It's made by the same people lol
Wouldn't make sense to have large scale gun battles in the streets of NY if your trying to telling a good story, The Favelas and police corruption in Brazil was perfect for these out of control gun battlesGunplay was GOAT, so fluid and precise
I remember lots of people complained about the game not being set in NYC but personally i enjoyed the Brazil setting just as much
Didn't play the multiplayer that much, mostly because i sucked at itbut that game mode where you replayed levels trying to beat your previous score added some replay value for me.
dont know why they remade la noire over this
I'm reinstalling this. Gonna try it out in 144fps on this Gsync![]()