Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Can't wait for all the shyt talking tweets from Reby
But it really is amazing how Vince snatched the Hardys back up once they redeemed themselves and were the talk of the industry with their wild and unique shyt, did nothing with that for a year, then when he finally decided to run with the Broken stuff, he had his announcers make sure you knew Vince fukking hated it, then put Matt on the shelf for another year for no apparent reason.
There's a strong chance Matt will not be able to use any of the Brokenverse stuff again, and Jeff's body and life have completely fallen apart since returning to WWE.
Matt owns the Brokenverse stuff... not Vince.
That’s what he was “Woken Matt Hardy” in the WWE and not Broken...... basically he was a caricature of his character

Don’t ask me how