At the time they really had nowhere to go that would be able to pay them like that.I agree him and Jeff should have stayed away I'm sure the check was nice though.
At the time they really had nowhere to go that would be able to pay them like that.I agree him and Jeff should have stayed away I'm sure the check was nice though.
Delete! Delete! Delete!
Matt Hardy doesn't need WWE, we are entering another Golden Age, the return of the territories. We got Ring Of Honor, AEW, Impact, MLW, NJPW, NWA all of these federation's are making Noise, have great Wrestler's. He will be Good wherever he goes
He would be fire as AEW like Raven was to TNA when they first started
I thought this was Dwight Schrute without glasses at first
Is it wwe fault Jeff got hurt and he got hurt ?
Yeah his WCW gimmick was underrated I enjoyed listening to them promos, now that you have mentioned it I kinda do see slight Jack The Snake similarities. I'm gonna have to check Punk's earlier work again, I slightly remember him doing rants on PWGRaven never If rarely gets mentioned with the greatest talkers but.. His promos in WCW were gawd tier looking back... he kinda adopted Jake the Snakes promo style/ pace and added his own twist.. low key, I feel like CM Punk took some elements of Ravens mic work earlier in his career
did all that riffin over the gimmick on the way out of TNA, just for the WWE to ruin it and f*ck them over.
WWE been chittin' on matt hardy for 15 years. I can tell hes a simp with women, the way he keeps crawling back to vince.[/QUOTE]
I mean does it really matter he is happily married with kids
punk's feud with raven in roh pretty much showed this. some of their best work. they even rehashed it for the punk/jeff hardy feud down the line in wweRaven never If rarely gets mentioned with the greatest talkers but.. His promos in WCW were gawd tier looking back... he kinda adopted Jake the Snakes promo style/ pace and added his own twist.. low key, I feel like CM Punk took some elements of Ravens mic work earlier in his career
Rumor is he hasn't decided yet if he's even leaving & WWE is going to send him to NXT to be Broken Matt again if he stays![]()