Math and reading scores for American 13-year-olds plunge to lowest levels in decades

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I totally think that parents play a role in it. I even have studies that show how much parents are involved in their kids education. But they cannot supplant a good appropriate public education system. They aren’t literacy and math specialists. I also think the way the conversation gets deflected to them is by design. Conservatives have been pushing privatization of education because our government doesn’t want to invest in quality instruction for the populace. Having a well-educated populace does NOT mesh well with the need for a permanent underclass in capitalism. It took me a long time to make that connection and when I did, I got very sick of this conversation. It disgusts me how we’ve been indoctrinated to shift blame to parents for a system they already pay into as tax payers. We don’t do this for anything else. If you pay, you expect quality service. If I pay to get my nails done, I expect them to be done. We pay into education, but are told we shouldn’t expect results and if we don’t get results, we should do more? It’s a bait and switch. We shouldn’t even be talking about families, but about the science of learning and reading. About how testing culture actively makes students HATE learning and reading. How we’ve taken authentic learning experiences out of school but still wanna bytch about student behavior.

The question we need to ask is: what curriculum is being taught to your children when they are away from you for 90% of the day, 5 days a week, 180 days a year?

And if you as a parent is going to have to homeschool your child, then give those parents the money they would have paid into the system.

But also know the atrophy of our public education system in America is having horrible effects on the general population, and it’s not the parents that can fix this- at least not in the ways idiots have been pushing.

The real rub is that parents need to be striking with the teachers. Suing our U.S. government for violation of FAPE and Brown vs. Board of Education and burning all this shyt down.

They got the parents by the balls tho. You live in an economy that requires nearly four incomes to survive and can’t even purchase a home in a better area with better schools. Much less afford tutors you shouldn’t even need in the first place if the instruction wasn’t garbage. And then these dummies allowed conservatives to GUT our education system, defund evidence based programs correlated with better outcomes for students, and somehow convinced these stupid a$$holes to shift blame to themselves.:russ:

It’s the biggest joke of the 21st century and the kids are the punchline. Btw, the right to public education was something people were literally DYING for in other countries and previous generations. Not the right for big mama and factory worker daddy to try and muddle through teaching equation of a line, while still paying taxes for services you never receive.

But hey! I’m just gonna sit back and watch it all play out. The state of public education is the number one predictor of a nation’s GDP, quality of life, and the state of the nation.

Parents can help mold a learning culture, but they can only do so much.

High-stakes standardized testing is also the reason why SCHOOL SHOOTINGS skyrocketed these last 2 decades. :sas2:

Piss off kids enough and trap them in institutions where they cannot exercise free tgought and actual creativity, and they rebel with GUNS that put everyone's life in danger.


Feb 12, 2015
High-stakes standardized testing is also the reason why SCHOOL SHOOTINGS skyrocketed these last 2 decades. :sas2:

Piss off kids enough and trap them in institutions where they cannot exercise free tgought and actual creativity, and they rebel with GUNS that put everyone's life in danger.
Yes! Yes!!! YES! Now we are getting it. We are in a time period where we have shyt tons of data from testing but our kids are scoring the lowest.

And but the testing industry is booming!