aesthetic is not only art style, and no one said shyt about who's superior in regards to animation.
When did I say it was, I said the aesthetics aren't the same in those shows
Speed Racer is an anime, people though it was an american cartoon
The original Voltron was a japanese show but didn't have the "anime" look
even though it was an anime
some shows are really cartoony like Pokemon which was almost like an archie cartoon
the shonen shows like Sailor Moon do not look like realistic like Attack on titan
Cowboy Bebop doesn't have the weebo aesthetic like that sword art bullshyt
and this netflex He-Man does not look like any japanese show, so what are you talking about, it looks in vain with the korean animation the originals were based on just like thundercats
he-man does not have a shonen design, he has a square jaw like american comics