i dare y'all to sit and act like he didn't make some valid points.
black person kills black person in the hood:
"nikkas die everyday b"
Non-black person kills black person:
"I'm shocked and appalled, kill whitey, etc etc. insert random cacs everywhere"
he might be a c00n, but is he lying about that???
Every brother ain't a brother cause a color Just as well could be undercover
If the race war does jump off we gotta
purge the planet of his kind also..
Let's face some hard facts.
1. That fat girl blew the case for the prosecution.
2. We're cheering for a prosecution "system" that has sent countless black people to prison.
3. That fat girl is as dumb as they come and the media is turning her into a star off of the back of Brotha Trayvon.
4. Our so-called black leaders stand to make millions off of the death of Brotha Trayvon.
5. Talk show hosts, musicians, actors, and comedians stand to make millions off of the death of Brotha Trayvon.
6. Those a$$holes you see/will see marching/rioting in the streets in the name of Brotha Trayvon don't give two shyts about him. Because if they did, those same people would have been marching in the streets prior to Brotha Trayvon's death in the name of the countless black folks who have been slaughtered already.
7. People like Larry Elder are put on tv to do what they do on purpose. And their purpose is to shake the hornet's nest of black people. (He's prepping us for the mass riots that are coming soon)
It's so demonic, friends.
Bottom line, they want us angry. They want us to riot. They want us to destroy our own communities.
The prisons and funeral homes are hungry and need to be fed.
Again I say that African Americans are a lost people, Lets not pander to the this Trayvon Martin media circus, we have bigger things on the agenda.
The uncle tom had some good points.... but lets never forgot what the white establishment has done to put black americans in this position in the 21st century. it has been 100s of years of oppression and stealth sabotage.
Again I say that African Americans are a lost people, Lets not pander to the this Trayvon Martin media circus, we have bigger things on the agenda.
Our number 1 black leader says nothing about the violence in his home town.
Our number 1 black leader makes numerous statements regarding Brotha Trayvon.
I hate to break it to y'all, but our number 1 black leader is in on this shyt too.
We are being used.
Plain and simple.
When we react emotionally, we are the ones who suffer. No one else. Just us.