Mass shooting at Mandala Bay (Vegas) 61 dead, 500 + injured, deadliest shooting in American history


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
The OG purpose was states were suspicious of one another and most importantly, a strong federal government. This fear makes sense given their experience with the crown.

But it has been 230 years. I think it's safe to assume that the federal government elected by the people does not pose the same threat as the framers feared in 1776. Besides, what changes in American history happened as a result of violence? All changes and grieviences have happened through the democratic process.
No the current crony capitalist nazi state of today is worse.

:sas1:unless your a white supremacist...
in which case, disarming coloreds before their median income hits zero is the next logical step...:sas2:

:wtf:Am I misreading your post, or did you suggest the freeing of slaves was not the result of violence?


May 26, 2012
San Diego
It wasn't the a$$hole brother, Eric, unfortunately, who was outspoken right after the shooting, it's another one Bruce, who was apparently living in a assisted living facility in North Hollywood.

Meta Reign

I walk the streets like, ''say something, n!gga!''
Jun 9, 2012
Franklin ave.
Now the. FBI is saying his hard drive was missing from the laptop when they got in the room .:francis:
Sureeeee it was.

"Let me go on a murderous shooting spree. . . But first I think I'll do it safely by discarding sensitive information on my laptop. Wouldn't want folks thinking the wrong things about me:ehh:"


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Can the conspiracy theorists use their brains for a moment?

There's three questions you have to ask yourself at the beginning of each conspiracy, to put yourself in the position of the conspirators.

1. What are the risks?

2. How many people would have to know?

3. Are the benefits worth it?

With this conspiracy, there are obviously massive risks, a large number of the theories put out there require that thousands and thousands of people would have known what's up....and what the hell benefits do you think the conspirators have gained?

To call this fake is insanely irrational. There are enormous opportunities for exposure, many of which would destroy the conspirators' entire program (whatever that is). And for what gain? What did they get out of it?
Sep 15, 2015
You're quoting a hoax website. Yournewswire is actually fake news.

Coroner IDs Las Vegas man found shot dead in vacant home

This is the only story I could find about someone named Danny Contreras.

The Las Vegas man found dead in a vacant home in the northeastern valley has been identified by the Clark County coroner.

Police said 35-year-old Danny Contreras was found dead at 7:05 a.m. Monday. A woman who thought she heard a man groaning had called 911 requesting a welfare check on the 5800 block of East Carey Avenue, near North Nellis Boulevard.

Contreras died of multiple gunshot wounds, and the coroner ruled his death a homicide.

Based on Contreras’ tattoos, Metropolitan Police Department homicide Lt. Dan McGrath said it is possible he had gang ties. But McGrath said the initial investigation showed that the killing likely was related to narcotics rather than gang activity.

Residents on the street described the northeast Las Vegas home as a “problem place with possible drug activity in and out of the home,” McGrath said.

There were no witnesses to the shooting. Neighbors said they did not hear any gunshots, but told detectives that they had heard arguing and a dog barking.

The death was the 207th homicide in the county this year, and the 184th investigated by Metro. Those numbers include the 58 shooting deaths during the Oct. 1 attack on the Strip.

Wrt Chad Nishimamura:

FACT CHECK: Did a Mandalay Bay Hotel Worker 'Vanish' After Giving an Interview?

Mandalay Bay Hotel worker Chad Nishimura "vanished" after giving a reporter a description of the suspected Las Vegas gunman that clashed with the "official narrative."



The 3rd story is an unfortunate tragedy that's being exploited by you idiots.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
You're quoting a hoax website. Yournewswire is actually fake news.

Coroner IDs Las Vegas man found shot dead in vacant home

This is the only story I could find about someone named Danny Contreras.

The Las Vegas man found dead in a vacant home in the northeastern valley has been identified by the Clark County coroner.

Police said 35-year-old Danny Contreras was found dead at 7:05 a.m. Monday. A woman who thought she heard a man groaning had called 911 requesting a welfare check on the 5800 block of East Carey Avenue, near North Nellis Boulevard.

Contreras died of multiple gunshot wounds, and the coroner ruled his death a homicide.

Based on Contreras’ tattoos, Metropolitan Police Department homicide Lt. Dan McGrath said it is possible he had gang ties. But McGrath said the initial investigation showed that the killing likely was related to narcotics rather than gang activity.

Residents on the street described the northeast Las Vegas home as a “problem place with possible drug activity in and out of the home,” McGrath said.

There were no witnesses to the shooting. Neighbors said they did not hear any gunshots, but told detectives that they had heard arguing and a dog barking.

The death was the 207th homicide in the county this year, and the 184th investigated by Metro. Those numbers include the 58 shooting deaths during the Oct. 1 attack on the Strip.

Wrt Chad Nishimamura:

FACT CHECK: Did a Mandalay Bay Hotel Worker 'Vanish' After Giving an Interview?

Mandalay Bay Hotel worker Chad Nishimura "vanished" after giving a reporter a description of the suspected Las Vegas gunman that clashed with the "official narrative."



The 3rd story is an unfortunate tragedy that's being exploited by you idiots.

I just looked through the website, I read some of the stories. They have tweets, obituaries, local news videos, and other links to stories. CNN lies about shiit all the time, including a reporter being on a boat.

So the information looks relatively legit to me. Take it, leave it, whatever.

The fact is they attended the festival, a month later they're dead or missing. You can form your own conclusions why.

1) For Contreras, may be gang related, not that it was gang related . It could be a different Contreras, but this Danny Contreras was skeptical.

2) Here is the actual local news report about Nishimamura, the actual valet for Paddock said he didn't have a lot of luggage or anything special luggage wise.

You're quoting Snopes which lies on command.

3) How are we exploiting a story about a couple dying that attended the Mandalay Bay event? Both points are facts.

and here is number 4

4) Las Vegas Survivor Planned Group To Expose Cover-Up Before She Died . She also said there were multiple shooters, and tweeted to her friend she was going to start a group. She died the other day in her home

Last edited:
Sep 15, 2015
I just looked through the website, I read some of the stories. They have tweets, obituaries, local news videos, and other links to stories. CNN lies about shiit all the time, including a reporter being on a boat.

So the information looks relatively legit to me. Take it, leave it, whatever.

The fact is they attended the festival, a month later their dead or missing. You can form your own conclusions why.

1) For Contreras, may be gang related, not that it was gang related . It could be a different Contreras, but this Danny Contreras was skeptical.

2) Here is the actual local news report about Nishimamura, the actual valet for Paddock said he didn't have a lot of luggage or anything special kuggage wise.

You're quoting Snopes which lies on command.

3) How are we exploiting a story about a couple dying that attended the Mandalay Bay event? Both points are facts.

and here is number

4) Las Vegas Survivor Planned Group To Expose Cover-Up Before She Died . She also said there were multiple shhooter, and tweeted to her friend she was going to start a group. She died the other day in her home


First, fukk CNN.

Second, why do you keep posting that debunked video?

CNN Greenscreened a guy on a ship? [No]

1) It's the same Danny Contreras. It looks like the fake news website that you're quoting found some random guy then built a story around him. That tweet looks fake too. I can't find the account. It doesn't show up when using or the internet archive either.

2) "The first thing to note here is that Nishimura did not say Stephen Paddock didn’t have many bags. He said Paddock didn’t have any “crazy bags” and brought “nothing weird” that he could could remember. Further, it requires a logical leap to propose that if Stephen Paddock didn’t have much luggage with him upon arriving at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, it follows that he must have had an accomplice in the 1 October 2017 mass shooting. Nothing in Nishimura’s account of meeting Paddock eliminates the possibility that Paddock made multiple trips to the hotel, therefore making that particular conspiracy theory surrounding Nishimura fall down on this logical point alone. "

Finally, there is no evidence that Chad Nishimura has “vanished” — mysteriously or otherwise — and in fact, there is evidence to contradict this claim.

According to Neon Nettle, Nishimura “has completely vanished since the report was published, with all of his social media accounts being scrubbed from the internet.”

This is completely and provably false. Nishimura has been active on Facebook after 3 October, the publication date of the KITV 4 article which — at least according to the conspiracy theory being pushed here — prompted his “disappearance”. (His Facebook account remains active, but we are not linking to it in the interest of protecting Nishimura’s privacy from readers provoked by the groundless conspiracy theory peddled and promulgated by Neon Nettle and others.)

On 5 October 2017, Nishimura wrote:

I’m okay everyone, I was at the concert the night before, thankfully cut my wristband off and didnt [sic] go on Sunday. However I did park the shooters [sic] car…Thats been the rough part for me.

Furthermore, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has not listed Nishimura as a missing person.

This conspiracy theory is illogical, not supported by any evidence, contradicted by other evidence, and is false. Neon Nettle has a history of publishing inaccurate conspiracy theories, hoaxes and other fabricated content. The Chad Nishimura case joins a laundry list of conspiracy theories and hoaxes revolving around the October 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas.

You can verify everything in that Snopes article yourself.

3) You're exploiting it by trying to tie their deaths into some great conspiracy.

4) Here you go trying to exploit another death by trying to tie it into some conspiracy. And surprisingly, you're posting more unverifiable posts/images that are only being shared on disreputable sites. I'm sure you can authenticate them, right?

"She had been diagnosed a couple months back with a benign brain tumor, she just was a victim of the Las Vegas shooting but escaped safely. And this morning she never woke up after having a seizure. Her and I have helped each other out in our shops since 2014. I have never met her but we text and talk on Facebook. My heart hurts. Life is unfair and anything can happen at any moment. I’m in complete shock. She definitely didn’t deserve this. No one does. She still had so much life left to live and experience. She has a 4 year old daughter and a husband that she has left behind."

"As far as we know, she passed away from a grand mahl seizure. She was epileptic, prone to seizures and had a brain tumor. We do not know the exact cause of death as the autopsy report has not been finalized. She was not murdered. Foul play was not suspected."


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
First, fukk CNN.

Second, why do you keep posting that debunked video?

CNN Greenscreened a guy on a ship? [No]

1) It's the same Danny Contreras. It looks like the fake news website that you're quoting found some random guy then built a story around him. That tweet looks fake too. I can't find the account. It doesn't show up when using or the internet archive either.

2) "The first thing to note here is that Nishimura did not say Stephen Paddock didn’t have many bags. He said Paddock didn’t have any “crazy bags” and brought “nothing weird” that he could could remember. Further, it requires a logical leap to propose that if Stephen Paddock didn’t have much luggage with him upon arriving at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, it follows that he must have had an accomplice in the 1 October 2017 mass shooting. Nothing in Nishimura’s account of meeting Paddock eliminates the possibility that Paddock made multiple trips to the hotel, therefore making that particular conspiracy theory surrounding Nishimura fall down on this logical point alone. "

Finally, there is no evidence that Chad Nishimura has “vanished” — mysteriously or otherwise — and in fact, there is evidence to contradict this claim.

According to Neon Nettle, Nishimura “has completely vanished since the report was published, with all of his social media accounts being scrubbed from the internet.”

This is completely and provably false. Nishimura has been active on Facebook after 3 October, the publication date of the KITV 4 article which — at least according to the conspiracy theory being pushed here — prompted his “disappearance”. (His Facebook account remains active, but we are not linking to it in the interest of protecting Nishimura’s privacy from readers provoked by the groundless conspiracy theory peddled and promulgated by Neon Nettle and others.)

On 5 October 2017, Nishimura wrote:

I’m okay everyone, I was at the concert the night before, thankfully cut my wristband off and didnt [sic] go on Sunday. However I did park the shooters [sic] car…Thats been the rough part for me.

Furthermore, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has not listed Nishimura as a missing person.

This conspiracy theory is illogical, not supported by any evidence, contradicted by other evidence, and is false. Neon Nettle has a history of publishing inaccurate conspiracy theories, hoaxes and other fabricated content. The Chad Nishimura case joins a laundry list of conspiracy theories and hoaxes revolving around the October 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas.

You can verify everything in that Snopes article yourself.

3) You're exploiting it by trying to tie their deaths into some great conspiracy.

4) Here you go trying to exploit another death by trying to tie it into some conspiracy. And surprisingly, you're posting more unverifiable posts/images that are only being shared on disreputable sites. I'm sure you can authenticate them, right?

"She had been diagnosed a couple months back with a benign brain tumor, she just was a victim of the Las Vegas shooting but escaped safely. And this morning she never woke up after having a seizure. Her and I have helped each other out in our shops since 2014. I have never met her but we text and talk on Facebook. My heart hurts. Life is unfair and anything can happen at any moment. I’m in complete shock. She definitely didn’t deserve this. No one does. She still had so much life left to live and experience. She has a 4 year old daughter and a husband that she has left behind."

"As far as we know, she passed away from a grand mahl seizure. She was epileptic, prone to seizures and had a brain tumor. We do not know the exact cause of death as the autopsy report has not been finalized. She was not murdered. Foul play was not suspected."

Let's keep this simple.

If you can't tell that's a green screen on that CNN video....then you need to go see an optometrist.

People are skeptical because the information the public has recieved is inconsistent and obfuscated.

We know people that attended have recently died. These are facts...the couple and the woman are FACTS...they attended the concert and they're dead a month later. Take it that information and do what you want with it. This is a national news story, in multiple news outlets, that they all attended the concert and died. Plus, she was tweeting her truth to her friend. I'm not pushing shiit but the verifiable news as factually as I can.

Someone named Contreras said there were multiple shooters a day after the event, screen shots prove this. May or may not be the same Contreras that was killed in that article. I'll give you that one, it may be a different person :hubie:....I don't know, but you don't know either.

Nishimura may not be missing but he is the valet. Ok fine. :hubie:

So I'm 3/5. If I'm wrong, about something I'll acknowledge it.

Honestly, these stories aren't even my biggest issue. These are intriguing, but not at the top of my question totem pole.

My main issue, and I've said it before, are the cameras. A month later we as the public have not seen one single video or picture from the time Stephen Paddock allegedly parked his car or handed his keys to Nishimura, checked into the hotel registration desk, waited at the elevator, going up up the elevator, walking to his room, anyone that went to his room, anyone he met with while in the hotel, or any other places. Just a simple pic of him handing his keys, and taking his luggage out of the car would suffice a little, and maybe the skepticism in the story would ease up. But you choose to frame people as looney toons, just because they question a story that is not providing basic answers.

Where is video and pics??