Was at the very start of the parade at Exhibition Place. Followed the floats all the way below the Gardiner for well over an hour, it was an incredible stroll. Friendly crowd of all ages, races, classes etc.
At some point decided I’d split from parade route and walk down to Nathan Phillips Square to catch them as they arrive there. Somehow forced my way into the square through the Queen Street direction which was already jam packed with people climbing on top every surface. I hoped a few fences and made it in, right behind the Toronto sign. I immediately noticed a very drastic shift in crowd and mood compared to the parade route.
The Square crowd was restless, angry, and accompanied with permanent cloud of weed smoke

Stuck in there jammed like sardines for hours as they kept replaying same playlist and lying that the players will arrive shortly.
At some point first human stampede came my way, was literally at epicenter. Never seen nothing like it. It was a human avalanche, so large, fast, and powerful and can be heard from a distance but could not be evaded. At certain point there was no more room for people to run to and a crush was very near. It took yelling and reassuring for people to chill and breathe to avoid that. Eventually the crowd begins to separate and you see a sea of shoes bags and other lost items. At this point I’m tryna take stock of what happened with my boy and we decide to sit up on the concrete ledge next to the parking stairs. Five minutes later while everyone is still catching their breath it happens again. This time I was elevated and avoided the worst. At this point crowd energy and enthusiasm was completely sapped.
All that being said, the parade route was incredible and I have no regrets. Let’s hope we get a shot at repeating