Ain't no statement to be made. Statements are for community representatives and leaders. sSatements are for organizations dedicated to a cause.
Those people in Baltimore are not an organization nor do they officially represent that community. They're just pissed off. That's what a riot is, anger. It's cac rhetoric to reframe the violence as a mistaken attempt to get a point across. They say that to justify their feeling that blacks are simply uncivilized, that we don't deserve justice because we are childish and ignorant. To them, saying "rioting isn't helping, black people are ignorant", justifies the wrong doing of the police forces across America. It rids them of guilt.
The goal of a riot is to destroy shyt. The reason for the riot is anger. The cause of the anger is injustice. Dislike the riots? Quit killing black people. I suppose that's the inadvertent statement, actually.