Yea I get there are homeless vets, but most of them have some form of PTSD or other mental illness that is preventing them from working. Sam seems to be a likeable guy with a lot of connections but above all else, he's a super hero. Its just odd to not take care of the people keeping your country safe from villains.
I agree with the social commentary, though. It was a good scene at its core.
I know a ton of vets that got fukked over in various ways. None have mental illness or PTSD.
Not saying the government never takes care of it's own but it's not a given.
PR campaigns online when it comes to fighting racism don't automatically work either. Mike Brown's killer got off, George Zimmerman got off. The public out cry isn't enough to get people to reverse on being racist. The media will lay out the facts regarding his work history and totally harp on him being a fugitive for a couple years and provide the racists cover.
There was obviously a racial component in that bank scene but Sam doesn't have to mention race at all. Dude is a (former) Avenger, that alone would be terrible publicity for that bank.
I mean....dude just came from a highly publicized press conference where he handed off Cap's shield to a museum. The optics of a bank turning him down for a loan the very next day would be a PR nightmare.
But like I said it's a scene focused on social commentary and not really meant to be a problem for the writers to "solve".