Finn should've been the main character
From brainwashed Stormtrooper to Jedi apprentice
Instead we got buffoon comedy relief 

By your logic Spiderman is also C list since Superman and Batman are more popular and have been since the 1970s.
the order of popularity doesn't affect their listing. All three are A list. One is just more popular than the others.
They are household names one and all, people had incredible hulk lunchboxes and ironman action figures back in the 80s. Thor is literally from norse mythology and has been a known character for a 1000 years. How would he be ever be c list?
Spiderman has sold more merch than both Supes and Bats. It's at least a toss up who is more popular between those 3 it depends on the metric used.
The 80s is my childhood and I don't remember Marvel action figures being popular at all. It was Star Wars, GI Joe and Transformers running that game. And everyone is not into Norse mythology like that.
Hulk, Spiderman and later in the 90s Wolverine are Marvel's A list. This whole list thing really is subjective and not worth arguing about, there is no right answer. It depends who you ask.
Would've been dope if they've written it to where a Skywalker goes rogue, the force transfers over to Finn who turns good but is not as powerful as a Skywalker and Rey is a rogue of the Sith which explains her power. Also, they should've never killed off Luke for continuity purposes.Finn should've been the main characterFrom brainwashed Stormtrooper to Jedi apprentice
Instead we got buffoon comedy relief
smh what a fukking waste of a characterFinn should've been the main characterFrom brainwashed Stormtrooper to Jedi apprentice
Instead we got buffoon comedy relief
I can just picture Mace Windu rolling his eyes, everytime he see dude and ultimately ignoring him.smh what a fukking waste of a character
They could’ve had a black Jedi and a female Jedi with Finns story Mirroring Kyle Katrans story.I can just picture Mace Windu rolling his eyes, everytime he see dude and ultimately ignoring him.And Lando trying to put him up on game only to give up and say fukk it.
No one expected to get a star wars movie thats worst than the phantom menace, this late in the gamePeople stay exaggerating about how bad the new Star Wars movies are.
I don't really agree with the direction they took Luke's character in, but people act like they're the WOAT movies ever.
That said, I look forward to Feige's involvment so we'll see what happens.
Obi wan getting a seriesFolk can talk about The Last Jedi all they want but at the end of the day it made money -- not nearly as much as TFA so it mightve been a slight disappointment.
However, having recently fired the head of the failed Star Wars Land at DisneyWorld, Disney is proving that they're taking the course set for Star Wars very seriously.
Solo was a bomb - a headrolling people getting fired level bomb. Most likely to save face, we haven't heard or seen any reprecussions from it internally...externally many projects were cancelled such as the Boba Fett movie, Obi Wan movie, and Bounty Hunters movie.
My point in this if you see this Kevin Feige film picking up steam and going into production before say Rian Johnson's trilogy or the D&D trilogy, then expect Kathleen Kennedy to step down around the same time.
This aint no favor. Bob Iger wrote Feige a big ass check to put his face in front of the effort to fix Star Wars.
YupStop it.
Nobody was checking for either one of them until Marvel Studios made those movies.
They’re known characters, but they were definitely c-list. There’s a reason Sony/Fox/Universal didn’t buy the rights to those characters.