They are planning on the saying, "Black don't crack." lol
They are planning on the saying, "Black don't crack." lol
I honestly don't see that happeningmy prediction they're planning on having blade's daughter in the movie
1st one is probably about finding her
2nd one is about having her under his wings
3rd one is about her taking his place
Ali bows out and the daughter becomes blade
if the films are done on time Ali will be like 57 and blade will be in like 6 marvel movies so you get a fair amount of blade
okI honestly don't see that happening
I agree with him though low key. I mean look up blade comics from marvel. He barely has any of his own source material. His daughter, i don't even think appeared in the comics before. if she did, i couldn't find the issues or issue. They would basically have nothing to base her off of. You would've just been better off gendering bending blade as a female character to begin with if that was the goal.
Stop itFor some reason I thought Ali was younger. But I don't think it really matters as long as he's physically capablethere's no rule that superheroes have to be a certain age
Sam Jackson was already like 60 when he started playing Nick Fury, now he's in his 70s without much sign of slowing down
OkI agree with him though low key. I mean look up blade comics from marvel. He barely has any of his own source material. His daughter, i don't even think appeared in the comics before. if she did, i couldn't find the issues or issue. They would basically have nothing to base her off of. You would've just been better off gendering bending blade as a female character to begin with if that was the goal.
THISI wouldn’t be surprised if they filmed movies back to back or do some shyt like they they did with the Inhumans TV show.
The whole Black Panther situation put a bad taste in my mouth because it felt like he was a side character got his movie where he was still like a side character then on the next movie was a side character now he passed away and now in the next movie he’s going to be a SIDE CHARACTER.
But since we dealing with multi verses don’t be surprised if they pull some this is Earth-617 Blade and it’s Wesley Snipes
Stop it
Blade is an extremely PHYSICAL character. Ali is almost 20 years removed from his physical prime. Don't play dumb!!
Hugh started playing Wolverine when he was much younger than AliYou're acting like 40 is 70 or something.
Ben Affleck played Batman in his 40s. Hugh Jackman played Wolverine until he was damn near 50. Robert Downey Jr. played Iron man in his 50s. Paul Rudd is in his 50s playing Ant-Man and was about Ali's age in the 1st moive.
All physical characters.