Over the past few days, we've been hearing a lot about why Marvel Studios decided to move under the watch of Disney instead of Marvel Entertainment's CEO Isaac Perlmutter, and now
Bleeding Cool may have another reason to add to the already pretty long list. While Kevin Feige and Ike had been at loggerheads for a while, it was apparently
Avengers: Age of Ultron which was the straw that broke the camel's back. Apparently, Disney weren't happy with its $1.4 billion haul. That's a lot of money, but not enough, and not what many expected after the success of the first instalment and the Phase 2 releases which preceded it. The site adds that,
"as a result, at Disney, it has been dubbed a failure. Which enabled Kevin Feige to use it leverage to push out Isaac Perlmutter."
Early on, many fans and analysts predicted that
Avengers: Age of Ultron would top
Titanic as the highest grossing movie of all-time. While it was a million miles away from being a flop and still made Disney a lot of money, they clearly didn't get back as much as they expected. The site promises to reveal more about the divide between Feige and Ike, so stay tuned for updates...
Bleeding Cool