"Marvel is like a stripper, exciting at first, when it's over, you realize it wasn't all that great"

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
Yo serious question....u remedial? Did u not see the seasons change over the course of the film? You think Bruce grew facial hair again in one day?

Jesus Christ...u literally needed the words "years later" or "months later" on the screen to realize this?
its jaaagoffs like that, that gravitate towards that garbage and gobble that spoonfed trash down the gullet and think its great

Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
Yo serious question....u remedial? Did u not see the seasons change over the course of the film? You think Bruce grew facial hair again in one day?

Jesus Christ...u literally needed the words "years later" or "months later" on the screen to realize this?
We know how much time passed from the bomb
And jgl saying cops haven't seen light for 3 months.
We known how fast Bruce got back from getting out the pit to gotham because they said the bomb detonation time was faster than what it was supposed to be.
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Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
When know how much time passed from the bomb
And jgl saying cops have to seen lighted or 3 months
We known how fast Bruce got back from getting out the pit to gotham because theyou said the bomb destination time was faster than what it was supposed to be
you can't even put together a coherent post you idiot lol

King Koopa

All Star
Dec 1, 2013
The 8-4 and fiery moats
I'm confused the scene did EXACTLY what it was supposed to do, but it still holds the film back? Does that make it transcendent?
Not saying the scene didn't make sense. I was just not a fan of that forced comedy personally. What kinda villian gonna sit there like :beli: when breh's dancing lol.

Thanos ain't gonna play that shyt :ufdup:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
None in the aspect of a traditional "classic movie" but to me Winter Soldier is a classic comic movie, and GOTG was close till that dance off...that one scene killed it for me.
winter soldier
civil war
1st ironman
1st avengers
i'd have to see the first thor again but it wasn't terrible... maybe not classic
gotg was classic... fukk the dance scene... but that'd be like me trashing godfather for the italy scenes

that's it

ironman2-3 was bullshyt
thor 2 was terrible
avengers 2 was avengers 1 but the hype it was gonna be different, actually made it worse
captain america 1 was ehhhh... red skull did not deliver

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Not saying the scene didn't make sense. I was just not a fan of that forced comedy personally. What kinda villian gonna sit there like :beli: when breh's dancing lol.

Thanos ain't gonna play that shyt :ufdup:

It's an alien right? Do you think aliens dance or ever know what dancing is?

For all he knows he was either powering up or about to die from some kind of sick disease. He dropped his guard and that was needed at that time in the way of a distraction in effort to take his eyes off the other guy who was gearing up a powerful weapon to blast him

Copy Ninja

Dec 19, 2014
Yeah but you know everybody wants to fukk that stripper

Unless you're gay:ufdup::scust:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
  • Shortly after Bruce is thrown into the pit Bane starts carrying out his plan. When Bane and Pavel force the board members to hand over the reactor, Bane explicitly states that it will take about 5 months for the core to deteriorate (they don't tell this anyone else, though, especially not the government or the Gothamites, since the belief that it will just go over and regulate itself is the whole reason for the government's policy of appeasement and waiting):

    Bane: Pull the core out of the reactor!
    Dr. Pavel: No, you cannot! This is the only power source capable of sustaining it. If you move it, the core will decay in a matter of months.
    Bane: Five by my calculations.

  • Furthermore, the 57 that many seem to remember is shown during Bane's speech in front of Blackgate Prison (which is some time after the takeover). However, it is not the number of days, but most probably the number of minutes, as can be deduced from the next number being the seconds because they count down right during this very scene.

    There are further numbers above those 57:3X, clearly recognizable as 03:14:22.

    The following might be a bit speculative: It is not entirely clear what those numbers mean, but they could stand for months, days and hours. So at this point we would have about ~3.5 months (or ~105 days) left. But we also have to consider that green/red circle which counts down along with the timer. If we assume (though, not know) it started at a full circle, it already has lost about 1 quarter and thus the timer would have started at ~4.66 months (~140 days), which fits to Bane's approximation (whenever that month was lost already, either before carrying out the plan or between the takeover and the Blackgate speech).

  • Next, after some scenes of Bruce slowly recovering his ability to stand again, we see scenes of Gotham already in winter, presumably after some time has passed (considering that football season is in autumn). After that we see Bruce again, training in his cell. When he watches the TV and before he makes his first climbing attempt, the TV news headline says (sorry, again no HD footage for you, but it's also in the script):


  • And this fits also with the next scene in Gotham: the arrival of the Spec-Ops team with the supply shipment. In this scene the trapped police force is mentioned and a rough estimate of 3 months of occupation is given (which might be rather approximate):

    soldier: Men who haven't seen daylight in three months.
    Blake: Police officers who haven't seen daylight in three months.

    And in fact in the next scene Lucius Fox tells them pretty accurately there's only 23 days left:

    Fox: As the device's fuel cells deteriorate it becomes increasingly unstable, to the point of detonation. [...] And it will go off in 23 days, regardless of Bane's revolution or what we or the outside world choose to do.

    So this makes about 4 months, again fitting to our previous computations (including a bit of a lax estimate of 3 months and the approximate month we might have lost before all the takeover).

  • After Bruce sees the footage of the hanged Spec-Ops team he destroys the TV and makes his second failing attempt at climbing out, followed by the successful ropeless climb. The next thing we see is Comissioner Gordon talking about doing something against the bomb as the time closes:

    Gordon: The bomb goes off tomorrow, we have about 18 hours to do something.

    Which is shortly before he gets captured and the movie's showdown unfolds.
I tried to put all this information into a timeline diagram of all the major events since Bruce's capture (beware, not exactly on scale), which does not explain everything exactly but gives some reasonable understanding of how the various events are chronologically connected:


Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
  • Shortly after Bruce is thrown into the pit Bane starts carrying out his plan. When Bane and Pavel force the board members to hand over the reactor, Bane explicitly states that it will take about 5 months for the core to deteriorate (they don't tell this anyone else, though, especially not the government or the Gothamites, since the belief that it will just go over and regulate itself is the whole reason for the government's policy of appeasement and waiting):

    Bane: Pull the core out of the reactor!
    Dr. Pavel: No, you cannot! This is the only power source capable of sustaining it. If you move it, the core will decay in a matter of months.
    Bane: Five by my calculations.

  • Furthermore, the 57 that many seem to remember is shown during Bane's speech in front of Blackgate Prison (which is some time after the takeover). However, it is not the number of days, but most probably the number of minutes, as can be deduced from the next number being the seconds because they count down right during this very scene.

    There are further numbers above those 57:3X, clearly recognizable as 03:14:22.

    The following might be a bit speculative: It is not entirely clear what those numbers mean, but they could stand for months, days and hours. So at this point we would have about ~3.5 months (or ~105 days) left. But we also have to consider that green/red circle which counts down along with the timer. If we assume (though, not know) it started at a full circle, it already has lost about 1 quarter and thus the timer would have started at ~4.66 months (~140 days), which fits to Bane's approximation (whenever that month was lost already, either before carrying out the plan or between the takeover and the Blackgate speech).

  • Next, after some scenes of Bruce slowly recovering his ability to stand again, we see scenes of Gotham already in winter, presumably after some time has passed (considering that football season is in autumn). After that we see Bruce again, training in his cell. When he watches the TV and before he makes his first climbing attempt, the TV news headline says (sorry, again no HD footage for you, but it's also in the script):


  • And this fits also with the next scene in Gotham: the arrival of the Spec-Ops team with the supply shipment. In this scene the trapped police force is mentioned and a rough estimate of 3 months of occupation is given (which might be rather approximate):

    soldier: Men who haven't seen daylight in three months.
    Blake: Police officers who haven't seen daylight in three months.

    And in fact in the next scene Lucius Fox tells them pretty accurately there's only 23 days left:

    Fox: As the device's fuel cells deteriorate it becomes increasingly unstable, to the point of detonation. [...] And it will go off in 23 days, regardless of Bane's revolution or what we or the outside world choose to do.

    So this makes about 4 months, again fitting to our previous computations (including a bit of a lax estimate of 3 months and the approximate month we might have lost before all the takeover).

  • After Bruce sees the footage of the hanged Spec-Ops team he destroys the TV and makes his second failing attempt at climbing out, followed by the successful ropeless climb. The next thing we see is Comissioner Gordon talking about doing something against the bomb as the time closes:

    Gordon: The bomb goes off tomorrow, we have about 18 hours to do something.

    Which is shortly before he gets captured and the movie's showdown unfolds.
I tried to put all this information into a timeline diagram of all the major events since Bruce's capture (beware, not exactly on scale), which does not explain everything exactly but gives some reasonable understanding of how the various events are chronologically connected:


:mjpls: that still don't explain how bruce back healed with no surgery.

Or how the entire police force went into the caves

OR how bane was able to sneak motorcycles into the stock exchange

And last but not least.....

Why Wayne decided to keep using that batman voice with catwoman AFTER his identity was revealed:russ:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
:mjpls: that still don't explain how bruce back healed with no surgery.

Or how the entire police force went into the caves

OR how bane was able to sneak motorcycles into the stock exchange

And last but not least.....

Why Wayne decided to keep using that batman voice with catwoman AFTER his identity was revealed:russ:
oh i didn't post this to agree it made sense

healing from your spine poking out of your skin to full fighting force in 5 fukking months is impossible WITH doctors and surgery... this whole movie was on some "marvel" shyt and nikkas got the nerve to try and high brow it like some modern art


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
Only comic movies I think will ever be considered classic so far:

Avengers: Dont agree, but I think overall it will be... It set a bar for shared universe comic movies...

GOTG: A personal classic, dont know who agrees... I loved the dance-off wit Ronan like :what:... Only wish he fought more, a few more minutes of physical action woulda been cool... A Drax/Groot vs Ronan battle that went hard :banderas:... I see no flaws in this movie...

Deadpool: Did everything it should, was serious/hilarious at the same time.. You can enjoy it without having ever read his comics, showed it to a homie that dont read books & knows nothing about Deadpool & he loved it..

Dark Knight: Based mostly off the Joker, Ledger killed it... but...
edit: Alfred droppin them gems, Lucius was cool, Two-Face was great... Nobody I know has ever actually brought up Batman doing anything when talking about this movie...
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Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Only comic movies I think will ever be considered classic so far:

Avengers: Dont agree, but I think overall it will be... It set a bar for shared universe comic movies...

GOTG: A personal classic, dont know who agrees... I loved the dance-off wit Ronan like :what:... Only wish he fought more, a few more minutes of physical action woulda been cool... A Drax/Groot vs Ronan battle that went hard :banderas:... I see no flaws in this movie...

Deadpool: Did everything it should, was serious/hilarious at the same time.. You can enjoy it without having ever read his comics, showed it to a homie that dont read books & knows nothing about Deadpool & he loved it..

Dark Knight: Based mostly off the Joker, Ledger killed it... but...
edit: Alfred droppin them gems, Lucius was cool, Two-Face was great... Nobody I know has ever actually brought up Batman doing anything when talking about this movie...

don't forget blade and blade 2 :usure: