My bad, Marvel reacquired the rights to Blade back in 2011. I believe they will reboot the franchise though but I can't see anyone playing that character but Wesley Snipes (he is Blade)
Say you're right.
Which I'm not saying you are.
But with Terrance Howard, it was about his pay and race.So you're saying Norton was fired because of the money due to the grossing numbers.
What did I say?
The only color that matters is green.
I still believe the "spin" story and the old rumored story supports your theory.
Marvel should make another Blade film, but New Line Cinema still owns the rights to the franchise and they're not on good terms with Wesley Snipes since he sued them along with David Goyer and Toby Emmerich for violating his contract.
Terrence situation was the Movie wasn't called "War Machine", it was called "Iron Man". So they felt he was replaceable. Being black only made it easier for them as they see us all as replaceable anyway. RDJ was not replaceable, he was the title character. Norton had 1 job and one job only. DO BETTER than Hulk 2003. I showed you the numbers. He also as you said co-wrote the script and there were even reports he was very vocal about things behind the scenes as you say. So in Marvel view "The Incredible Hulk" was a miss, it didn't perform.
The same thing would have happened. There main focus is cost.after two iron mans he could have played hard ball, he probably could have even got a spin off war machine small level type movie or in the avengers movie or a tv show
he fd up
What do you mean "What's going on with Transformers"? It's the biggest movie of the year:
Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $231,752,475 25.1%
+ Foreign: $690,800,000 74.9%
= Worldwide: $922,552,475
Transfomers 4 is about to do a Billion Dollars without Shia and Megan. Michael Bay can name his price for "Transformers 5". They don't want another director. There too scared, Bay has this franchise rolling something serious. It literally can't be stopped. That was my point with Terrence. He saw how big the 1st movie was. You are in a Franchise. STICK WITH IT. I got love for Don, he's very underrated to me but I've been watching Terrence a long time and I think he's better than he gets credit for too. I think he should of been in the Iron Man Franchise but kinda overreacted.
you know there going to throw a cac female lead in there![]()
If it wasn't Marvel, which has a stan base that is insanely dedicated, Marvel/Disney would be getting shytted on by everyone for being a ruthless, unfeeling, meddling studio that treats its talent like dogshyt.This is the reason why dc might fail cause marvel is ran like a damn movie making factory and they are hard on actors of both races . Did we forget they thinking of replacing Evans and hemsworth too cause they had the audacity to ask for raises
Marvel don't give a fukkI mean ant man still comjng out with no delays and lost it's director rewrote the script and Patrick Wilson quit
It's loosely based on Age of ultron ( that was a trash special event ) but to be fair to marvel they have a bunch of stuff planned out and GOTG fits in leading to thanos . Ant man is a classic founding avengerWhat's crazy is Black Panther is in the Avengers, talk about a tee up to introduce him yet they don't even take it. Check this out. Black Panther is actually in the "Age of Ultron" comic series back in the day:
In the Age of Ultron story, Black Panther contacts the Fantastic Four and informs them that Ultron has invaded Earth with an army of Ultron Sentinels.[70] Black Panther was later seen with Red Hulk and Taskmaster in Chicago spying on some Ultron Sentinels. When Taskmaster gets spotted by the Ultron Sentinels upon taking out the one that was sneaking up on him, Red Hulk holds off the Ultron Sentinels while Black Panther and Taskmaster flee. During the mayhem, Black Panther falls several stories and breaks his neck, killing him instantly.[71]
If you look at the new release photos of The Avengers 2 Age of Ultron movie, they are fighting an Army of Ultron Sentinels. So again Why couldn't they introduced Black Panther?
Well because they are smart and play to their base and as a fan we don't care about the pay of actors just the enjoyment . It's a reason why they seem to keep screwing over creative people and getting no slack, cause they give us teasers and images and all this info on the movies . Marvel is smart as hell and has so much pull now they going to decline like apple at some point due to their arroganceIf it wasn't Marvel, which has a stan base that is insanely dedicated, Marvel/Disney would be getting shytted on by everyone for being a ruthless, unfeeling, meddling studio that treats its talent like dogshyt.