Marvel Developing ‘Wonder Man’ Series with Destin Daniel Cretton, Andrew Guest


Nov 18, 2016
Hey, I hate his comics work with a passion, the movies and shows great to me.

:heh: it wasn't until you brought up Bendis that I realized he also did a wack ass run on Moon Knight, too. I don't think he's written or created a character that hasn't had a movie or show at this point.

The Hood just might be up next. :mjlol:

Edit: I also theorized in the comics thread a while back that DC Comics hired him to do the same thing for their comics/characters, but his comics all flopped.

Yeah, by the time he hit DC the jig was up. DC in general just has a weird atmosphere to their characters and comics. Quite frankly, he was done by 08/09. He had the benefit of working with a book that was dead in the water and juicing it until he was writing every book. Even got his hands to mess up the X-Men, smh.

I wouldn't mind the jokes as much if they were done the way Peter David does them. Time and place, plus the focus is still on the characters and narrative.

What he did on X-Factor was

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
Yeah, by the time he hit DC the jig was up. DC in general just has a weird atmosphere to their characters and comics. Quite frankly, he was done by 08/09. He had the benefit of working with a book that was dead in the water and juicing it until he was writing every book. Even got his hands to mess up the X-Men, smh.

I wouldn't mind the jokes as much if they were done the way Peter David does them. Time and place, plus the focus is still on the characters and narrative.

I always theorized it was Payola like the radio. (and wrestling, but that's some other shyt) Bendis hadn't had any good runs since Ultimate Spiderman (which was actually excellent... til is wasn't. But we got Miles Morales out of it). Bendis started writing Avengers, I didn't know a single comic book reader that said it was good. Not. A. Single. One. But Wizard (and by proxy, all the review sites) was praising the shyt out of it.

Then every single Bendis book followed the same formula. Nobody liked it, but major pubs praised it.

I swear on everything I love that I saw a Bendis book get reviewed on an aggregator site, shyt was like 6.8\10. Next day, shyt was like 9.0/10, but every review was talking about how shytty it was.

DC, being desperate to get their floundering movie shyt off the ground, brought him on to revamp Superman, Batman, and prep Legion of Superheroes for a multimedia run. But Nobody was paying attention to review sites like that. Even his "mega-event" flopped. At least in comics, reviews don't matter anymore. It's good if it's good, and indie comics flourshing again. If it's Bendis and bad, nobody reading it. fake sales and reviews be damned.
What he did on X-Factor was


A GOAT run. David got a few of them.


Nov 12, 2014
Know nothing about this character.

Is he important enough that we are going to have racial recast argument videos for the next year?

it's strange isn't it.

did people beef about JSA's hawkman being a breh? or namor being latino?

maybe they are getting used to it. maybe the success of iconic "race-changed/non-gringo" characters like fury, hawkman, black adam, andor, namor etc have got the majority onboard now.


Jul 7, 2012
it's strange isn't it.

did people beef about JSA's hawkman being a breh? or namor being latino?

maybe they are getting used to it. maybe the success of iconic "race-changed/non-gringo" characters like fury, hawkman, black adam, andor, namor etc have got the majority onboard now.
Nah it seems to vary depending on character and property. Also if chud youtubers decide they want to mine some outrage from it to get clicks. Once those guys start bytching, all their dumbass followers start bytching.


Nov 18, 2016
this is exciting as hell :blessed:


Ionic Energy Form: The tissue and bones of his entire body have been augmented in strength and to a certain extent supplanted by Pym Particle charged iota in the "ionic ray" bombardment procedure.[57] Despite Wonder Man's statements that he is composed of "ionic energy," he is actually composed of organic matter that is permeated with this form of energy. Since his last revival, his physiology has changed a great deal and it's not clear if his external form is ionic energy or flesh. He stated during an incident in which all the living things in New York had been morphed into symbiotes that he was an ion being and not flesh and blood. This was the prime reason he himself had not been infected. He does not house blood in his body and cannot impregnate women.

  • Superhuman Strength: Williams possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known, and he is listed at the class 100 limit.[58] He was considered to have a Sentry-level strength.[59]
  • Leaping (latent): His strength extends into his legs, as he is capable of superhuman leaps covering several hundred feet in long strides. In his solo series, while his jetpack was being repaired, Simon needed a way to get around town that was faster, and cheaper, than a taxi. He thought about the Hulk's method of transportation and realized that, while he cannot leap as far as the Hulk, he can get around much faster than walking.[citation needed]
  • Superhuman Speed: He can run and move and react at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. Easily able to close the distance between himself, a trained assassin and her target from the street to the local restaurant she was with lightning pace.[60]
  • Superhuman Stamina: Williams' ionic body grants him unlimited stamina and is therefore immune to fatigue.
  • Invulnerability: His bodily tissues are much harder due to being ionized organic matter instead of normal flesh and far more resistant to physical injury than the bodily tissues of a normal human. Williams is highly resistant to penetration wounds, even from high-caliber machine gun shells. He can also withstand tremendous impact forces such as falling from great heights, being repeatedly struck by superhumanly strong opponents or breaching planetary orbit and making re-entry without being hurt. Also showcasing high resistance to extreme changes in temperatures.
  • Superhuman Agility: His agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Williams' reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
  • Superhuman Senses: Simons's powers attune him to a higher observational field than the typical human being. With further practice from Hank and Nadia, he was taught to feel and sense the ambient energy; physical, radiological or otherwise. And interact with it through sheer focus.[61]
  • Superhuman Hearing: His hearing has been enhanced to a superhuman degree.
  • Energy Vision: Williams can see beyond the usual spectrum visible to the human eye.
  • Flight: He originally required the use of a sophisticated and advanced rocket pack attached to his costume to fly. However, following his resurrection and metamorphosis Williams is now able to fly through the air at great speeds, the exact limit of which isn't known. He could originally fly at subsonic speeds. After his metamorphosis Williams can fly at speeds in excess of 700 mph.[62]
  • Immortality: Williams is functionally immortal. Because of the ionic energy that empowers him, he no longer ages and is immune to disease and infection. This same energy sustains Williams' physical vitality far more efficiently than the biochemical process that sustain ordinary human life.
  • Self-Sustenance As a result of his transformation he no longer requires food, sleep, water or oxygen to survive. Simon is now a fully energized entity who can sustain himself indefinitely without nourishment, easily able to live outside habitable planet orbit.[63]
  • Ionic Regenerative Healing: Williams' ionic form can heal itself from gunshot wounds, surgery, and even severed limbs. This allowed him to constantly survive death more often. This may be so because he has no bones, blood or organs; he is a being of pure ionic energy, allowing him to reform after any injury.
  • Energy Manipulation (latent): In his energy form, Williams learned he had the ability to emit ionic energy blasts of devastating force from his hands and eyes.[64][65] This was shown before his death at the hands of the Kree Empire, Since his resurrection he has done so somewhat rarely. [63][66]
  • Solid Energy Constructs: Over time Williams would learn he could tangibilize his internal energy solid forms, using his powers to fashion a protective force energy bubble to defend against attacks.[66]
  • Electromagnetic Manipulation: Williams, under instruction by Wasp and Beast, learned he could sense, siphon and/or disperse lingering radial fields by using the unique properties of his ionic energy to interact with the EM Fields or any form of energy in the world if he so chooses.[61]
  • Shapeshifting (Latent): As a being of raw energy, Simon's physical form is purely subjective. What shape or form he takes is ruled by conscious thought as much as the Id and Ego.[64] Once turning the hand the soul of his dead brother gave him into an organic sickle, then taking on the physical form of a ferocious demon to battle the assembled villains under Mephisto.[65]
  • Size Alteration (latent): Another power his energy form granted him is the ability to alter his size, becoming even larger and (possibly) stronger than his adversary Goliath.[65] He hasn't displayed this power since his resurrection, save the time while his energy form was tethered to Wanda as they battled Morgan Le Fay.[67]
  • Power Recycling (latent): When his energy form was inexplicably destabilized by his own guilt and self-doubt, Simon's powers were left unstable. As an effect he accidentally let off a massive ionic discharge giving friends and neighbors similar powers he may potentially possess. These abilities were either temporary or he could recall them back at will, the affected went on to form a short-lived super hero team called The Crazy Eight.[68]
  • Teleportation (latent): In later comics, Simon has shown to be able to warp between unknown distances by sheer will alone. Once teleporting out of a containment bubble created by Stark and Hank.[42] And again when after he fought and bested Thaddeus Ross as the Red Hulk outside Avengers Tower.[69]


Gifted Intellect: Williams has a gifted intellect.

Actor: He is good actor whose talents earned him a spot on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. His acting gives him a strong edge in undercover work.

Stuntman: Before he was an actor, Williams was an expert stuntman who worked in many big action movies.

Expert Combatant: Williams is a skilled unarmed combatant with training under Captain America in Aikido.[70]


Energy Weaponry: As he is an ionic energy being, Williams is susceptible to attacks that disrupt his unique energy pattern. Dispersion would be hazardous, as he might not be able to reform without further assistance from the Scarlet Witch. During the Kang Dynasty however, he was dispersed by one of Kang's weapons and was plenty capable of reforming himself on his own after traveling a great distance to avoid being discovered alive and making a grand escape, so this is unlikely. Williams can however, be rendered unconscious and it is possible for him to be injured.

Mental Illness: He has shown some mental breakdowns that lead to him attacking the Avengers multiple times after he began to believe that everything bad was caused by the team.

Anionics: uniquely charged items fueled by his own energies opposite signature can cause lasting damage even to his invulnerable energy state.

Ionic Lock: A weapon of last resort Madame Masque had devised as a deterrent which has one of two effects on beings touched by ionic energies. Without the Intensifier device it only seals a their abilities reducing them to normal for a time, while with the Intensifier it causes their energies to drain away at an accelerated rate. Causing those effected to eventually dissipate into nothing.

Extreme Pacifism: Ever since recovering from his latest breakdown, Simon has refused to resort to violence even when absolutely necessary. This makes him virtually useless in combat.


May 25, 2022
Dudes on twitter already hype about him potentially getting with Wanda :mjgrin:

But Marvel won't let that happen. :mjpls:

So they'll find some latina love interest like they did for Will Smith in Hitch when it was originally supposed to be a cac actress.

Also his acting ability based on his roles in Ambulance and the new Matrix film is :francis:
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Jun 26, 2014
Sam Wilson: “Do I know you from somewhere?”