Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
That's also a big reason why I have high hopes for these DC projects because Warner Bros. hires a director like David Ayer and he writes/directs his own movie. They put the project in his hands and let him cook. Just like they put the Batman/Superman into Snyder/Terrio's hands. They have main bullet points of an overall story arc and the rest is filled in with the director's own vision.
I still think for DC to be successful if they are trynna do this whole "universe" thing is they have to do something similar (not like but just similar) to the thing Marvel gets criticized for.
Keeping all the movies the same tone
Each movie can be different and tell its own story but it has to still be cohesive to the bigger picture. Green Lantern doesnt fit in TDK world and it would be unbelievable for (if it never bombed) RReynolds to ever come to Gotham to Batman.
I dont think one movie should be Fast and Furious, then other is The Godfather than another is Transformers than another is Twilight then another is Harry Potter and finally another is Drive.
None of those movies relate and I dont think people realize how much of a clusterfukk that could be