Go read the graphs, dummy. In the graphs featured, less than 10% of black women marry down compared to white women (when you account for IR relationships) so it's not an issue. Men marry down generally and there's nothing wrong with it per se. So again: it's not an issue.
Go read the graphs, dummy. The article doesn't portray black women in a positive light. It just shyts on black men. The original think tank author even says that we need a "post racial" environment where people date freely, blah bleh, it's racist bullshyt. The graphs say less than 10% of black women marry down compared to the norm for white women. That's less than 1 in 10 black women. So it's not an issue, except for racists who want to shyt on black men and encourage c00nery.
Gonna start trap rappin breh!!!!
That's all black men with no degrees do!! RAP!!!