Ikechi either went to Houston to deal with another woman...or a man. Breh said he will call and text Emem while he's there and then went radio silent. Then pops up with divorce papers. Man is sick.
Michelle is low-key turned on by David's lying and "cheating". Whole season she never gave a fukk and was dry because she thought she was above him and not interested. Now she's showing more emotion than ever.
Madison just doesn't like what's his name. Nothing he can say will do it for her. She isn't physically attracted to him, doesn't care for his personality, and thinks he's lame. On top of that he basically said he first thought she was a heaux. Yeah it's a wrap. Next episode looks like she gets exposed for messing with David. Apparently there are pictures of him out at a bar or a game and she's in the background.
The Spanish couple are boring. She is a weirdo and built like a Chinese boy. Dude is 100% not interested, but is a nice guy so he's not being rude about it. Seems like he's just trying to have fun while they are together. But on decision day he is clearly going to say no.
Thomas and Camile are great together. Both seem like normal people who actually came in looking for the right things. They've been having sex so it would be a shock if one of them said no.
Looks like this season is going to go 1 for 5 for the 2nd season in a row.