I think I am done with this season and this show in general
haven't watched the last 2 episodes but following from a far
i dont think ppl on this show understand how this show works
you sign up to marry a stranger. You commit to the process. They might be your type or what you normally go for but its 2 fukking months. You get paid, you go vacation, get to do activities and meet decent ppl. it aint fukking prison or a lifetime commitment
how 3 of the couples were DOA almost immediately
- Michelle didnt fukk with David from the jump, she was completely a bytch to him and took every opportunity to shyt on him.I cant blame David for quitely quitting the marriage and moving on but now he is the bad guy
- Madison fukked with Allen during the wedding but immediately afterwards she checked out because he isnt her type. If picking your type worked out, you wouldnt be on the show. Allen seems like a good dude.
- looks like Ikechi was on the show for 15 minutes of fame and to promote himself & ego. If he got a wife in the process great. But that wife would basically have to do everything he says and be beneath him. I hate social media topics/arguements but Ikechi is intimated by Em. He cant deal with her success and is the stereotypical dude that cant handle a strong successful black woman. He was calling her aggressive from the job? Why cause she asked question? Didnt do everything he said? Until the restaruant scene and with almost everything Em has never been aggressive. But Ikechi says things like she makes him feel little, its really a Ikechi issue. The relationship was DOA once he say her apartment.
- they matched Juan and Karla cause they are both relatively attractive latin ppl but other than that they have nothing in common. the experts producers really dropped the ball
the show's one saving grace is Tom & Camille. Both of them seem to be on the show for the right reasons and willing to change/compromise
Wish them the best but otherwise another trash fire of a season
Facts. My philosophy is when all else fails, it will always be the casting directors fault. It's amazing how a successful show that has been going on for 15+ seasons is still that terrible at picking the right matches to be on the show. The key word for me is LIKEABILITY. Almost no one this season is actually likeable at all, they are basically a$$holes
Seems like the casting crew is more concerned with "looks good on paper" than someone an audience wants to root for that has good intentions
Even a Casting producer who's an intern could sniff out the obvious fakeness of Mr Erykah Badu aka Ikechi

. Would have dropped him as a candidate when he said he wanted a wife similar to Michelle Obama
Michelle is absolutely completely unlikeable. Who in the world thought she would make a good wife, much less even a good friend
Madison is ehh but looks really empty and fake
The only two couples that are decent are Tom/Camille and Carla/Juan. They have the opportunity to make things work
And lastly for the show to really cast David is basically trolling at this point. You know damn well a dude living in his parents basement will not go over well with any women. Come one man lol