sounds like y'all should've just had kids.I think he might mean the other car accident when she got hit by the flower truck. I know me. . If she would have . . say for example suffered brain damage in that accident. Nah I would not have left her. We would have just figured it out. If we had kids. . I would have been super sucking that shyt up. I would not have left either.
Now. . It WAS easier to leave because we did not have a bond with kids, and she was not seriously hurt at the time. I in essence did have an OUT. I will not lie though. . I felt guilty about breaking the vows. Of course later I felt extra crappy after it all went down.
Kids always like to do stuff.. Especially go places.
I took my niece to the store the other day (was having attitudes with her mom) and she was legit happy af after a bag of Doritos
Sorry to hear about wife#2 though. It's always the good, innocent ones who seem to suffer the most