It was aight, flight movie type flick that you catch if you have nothing else to do and want a good time
It has a lot of style that feels novel because comic book movies have generally become far more muted in color and visual personality than this. I can almost describe it as if you put Lizzo in movie form, for better or worse. Just unabashedly loud and gimmicky but also undoubtedly refreshing in some ways. The performances are good, nobody is phoning it in, it's a fine movie even in spite of things like uneven tones and not a lot of character development.
You can clearly tell though how much DC is playing it safe. Right now they're just concerned about putting out projects the people will gobble up and generate memes about. All of the last 3 DC movies seriously lack ambition or real creative ingenuity for a franchise that was originally determined to do its own thing (besides ripping off Marvel's shared universe concept) and giving directors total freedom.