March 15 Primaries - John used to get it in Ohio


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
I updated the Real Clear averages in the OP :lupe:

- RealClear Average 3/12-->RealClear Average 3/14

North Carolina - closes 7:30 PM EST
+ Trump 11.8-->Trump 12.8
+ Clinton 20.6--> Clitnon 23.7
Ohio - closes 7:30 PM EST (GOP winner take all)
+ Trump 2.5--> Kasich 2.7
+ Clinton 20.0--> Clinton 6.4
Florida - closes 8PM EST (GOP winner take all)
+ Trump 15.8--> Trump 18.7
+ Clinton 34.2--> Clinton 29.6
Illinois - closes 8PM EST (GOP by congressional district)
+ Trump 12.0-->Trump 8.7
+ Clinton 32.7--> Clinton 2.3
Missouri - closes 8PM EST (GOP by congressional district)
+ Trump 7.0 (one poll only)
+ Clinton 7.0 (one poll only)--> Clinton 3.0 (two polls only)
Northern Marina Islands - unknown close time (GOP only, winner take all)
+no polling avaliable

Trump expanding his lead in Florida and North Carolina :wow:

Clinton extending her lead in North Carolina :wow:

Kasich overtaking Trump in Ohio, the last two polls were ties though :lupe:

Sanders closing a 30 point gap in 2 days in Illinois :ooh:

Sanders catching up in Missouri and Ohio too :whew:

Too little too late in Florida for Sanders :to:

Tuesday night going to be :popcorn3:


None of the above '16
Jan 14, 2015
New PPP numbers out this morning:

Ohio: Clinton 46, Sanders 41
Illinois: Clinton 48, Sanders 45
Missouri: Sanders 47, Clinton 46
Florida: Clinton 57, Sanders 32
North Carolina: Clinton 56, Sanders 37

Note: Sanders is doing worse among independents in Ohio than in Illinois and Missouri. There's a chance that Kasich's effort to stop Trump is drawing independents that would have voted for Sanders in the open primaries there.


Ohio: Sanders 53, Clinton 20
Illinois: Sanders 69, Clinton 18
Missouri: Sanders 63, Clinton 22


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012
New PPP numbers out this morning:

Ohio: Clinton 46, Sanders 41
Illinois: Clinton 48, Sanders 45
Missouri: Sanders 47, Clinton 46
Florida: Clinton 57, Sanders 32
North Carolina: Clinton 56, Sanders 37

Note: Sanders is doing worse among independents in Ohio than in Illinois and Missouri. There's a chance that Kasich's effort to stop Trump is drawing independents that would have voted for Sanders in the open primaries there.


Ohio: Sanders 53, Clinton 20
Illinois: Sanders 69, Clinton 18
Missouri: Sanders 63, Clinton 22
The fact that Sanders has closed a 30 point gap to 5 in Ohio in just a couple weeks is amazing. I really believe he gonna win Ohio :lupe:


None of the above '16
Jan 14, 2015
The fact that Sanders has closed a 30 point gap to 5 in Ohio in just a couple weeks is amazing. I really believe he gonna win Ohio :lupe:

The problem with Ohio is that liberal independents can only vote once. So do they follow Urban, hold their nose, and vote Kasich to stop Trump, or do they vote for Bernie? :jbhmm:


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012
The problem with Ohio is that liberal independents can only vote once. So do they follow Urban, hold their nose, and vote Kasich to stop Trump, or do they vote for Bernie? :jbhmm:
They gonna vote for whoever they feel. Nobody like oh Urban voting for Kaisch, i am too. Them endorsements over rated. You gonna see another close race like michigan.


Oct 6, 2014

Ready for this fukkery:blessed:


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
Trump’s strange Monday
After a tumultuous weekend, his Ohio rally was among the most surprising things a Trump event can now be: Normal.

By Kyle Cheney

03/14/16 08:53 PM EDT


Read more: Trump’s strange Monday
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VIENNA, Ohio — It had all the trappings of a Donald Trump event, but in the end, something was missing.

Trump took his private, eponymous plane down a runway and parked it behind a stage. He enthralled throngs of fans while speaking at the appropriately named “Winner Aviation” outside Youngstown. He promised to build a border wall with Mexico, to fix a decades-old trade imbalance and to, more generally, “make America great again.” Most of all, he promised repeatedly that he’d win the election.

“I backed McCain. He lost. I backed Romney. He lost,” Trump said. “I said, ‘this time we’re gonna do it ourselves.'”

What the event lacked, however, was even a drop of the drama that defined Trump rallies over the weekend. Without a single interruption, Trump’s speech was a far cry from the violence of his events last week—and the exact opposite of a planned rally in Chicago where clashes between supporters and protesters led to the event being canceled.

Indeed, in the 2016 presidential campaign’s new normal, the rally was among the most surprising things a Trump event can be: normal.

With the protesters absent, the event—which served as Trump’s closing statement to his supporters—centered on the billionaire’s message to his backers: a Trump win in Ohio would all but make him the GOP presidential nominee. The polls suggest that could well happen. Trump and John Kasich are close, and the event here appeared an attempt to snatch a last-minute victory.

“Kasich cannot make America great again,” he said, ridiculing the governor for spending more time in New Hampshire “than Chris Christie,” the New Jersey governor and supporter who introduced Trump.

Trump hit Kasich for supporting NAFTA as a congressman and for backing President Barack Obama’s trade deal with Asian companies. “The car business is going to be destroyed,” he said. “Nobody knows why he wants it. Maybe one of his lobbyists is recommending it.”

But Kasich also criss-crossed Ohio on Monday, flanked by Mitt Romney as he worked to protect a single-digit lead in recent surveys. And as he fights, Kasich may be the last vestige of hope for a Republican establishment that wants desperately to keep Trump from the promised land. And a win by Kasich here would, for a moment, raise questions about whether Trump — the undeniable front-runner for the GOP nod — can maintain his sky-high support through a July convention in Cleveland.

“I want to send a message to the country. Ohio should send a message to the country. Everybody’s watching us now. Do you know that?” Kasich said. “They are not just watching us in the country. They are watching us in the world … Don’t doubt America. It’s coming back. I need your vote.”

In a sense, the Ohio contest is a referendum on Kasich’s inclusive and upbeat version of politics compared to Trump’s hot-blooded and angry cries of unfairness — for workers, for American citizens, for blue-collar workers.

“You’re getting into a fairly significant moment in the history of the Republican Party and the conservative coalition … the orthodoxies since the Reagan election,” said Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “The doctrines are being rewritten as we speak. What does a Republican believe in is a question that’s on the table now.

“This isn’t about pandering or preying on anyone’s insecurities. It’s about doing the right thing for the country,” said John E. Sununu, the former New Hampshire senator and Kasich ally.

Doing “the right thing,” was a theme of the day for Kasich supporters. Romney invoked it during an appearance in Green, Ohio earlier in the day.

But the voter most important to Trump’s bid is Mike Hoostal. Hoostal, 53, lost his job at a steel mill here four months ago and said he’s been volunteering for Trump since. He’s a Navy veteran who spent time in 12 countries and more than a year at sea, and he’s got two kids in their 20s. In short, he’s the precise profile of the disaffected voters Trump has been drawing like moths to a light.

“It’s time we had a businessman instead of a career politician,” Hoostal said. “He did this all on his own. He built a very elaborate company.”

Still, without the threat of conflict to heighten the tension, Trump’s rally ended in a fashion typical of many of his competitors. The energy faded during the speech’s second half, and before Trump had finished speaking, many found their way to the exits.

Read more: Trump’s strange Monday
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Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Florida Republicans 'more likely' to back Trump after Chicago

Florida Republicans 'more likely' to back Trump after Chicago

By AL WEAVER (@ALWEAVER22) • 3/14/16 4:11 PM

Donald Trump may have benefited from his decision to cancel his rally in Chicago due to protests and threatened violence, a new poll reports.

According to a Monmouth poll released Monday, 22 percent of Florida voters said the incidents in Chicago on Friday night make them more likely to vote for Trump, with only 11 percent saying they would be less likely. A vast majority, 66 percent, said that the heated protests from late last week make no difference.

The event Friday was cancelled by the Trump campaign after a string of protests, which led to violence and clashes between protesters and Trump supporters.

Less than 24 hours after the rally, an attendee at Trump's event in Dayton tried to rush the stage, leading Secret Service agents to surround a spooked Trump as other agents took down the individual.