Mansa Musa biopic in the works...

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
It worked for whites?

It was said(and I even agree) that the movie 300 had a very strong racial undertone meant to reinvent the white Spartans as masculine and powerful and the Persians as effeminate and weak to a point that many Iranians tried calling the film to be banned.

It worked because it was successful in reinventing the Greeks as manly which was not really seen before and many whites after seeing the movie became more proud of their roots and saw the West as superior than the Greeks. The movie was meant to demonize Iranians/non-whites and grab non-historian whites(who were never interested in history) on how badass their ancient people were. Basically banging in whites heads FURTHER that they are superior. And it worked!

Its a movie....any impact IRL was negligible. Entertainment with Black faces is a valid desire but the attempts to sell all these movies as transformative is misguided.

Listen no one is trying to say by blacks watching these film that we will become awake, start a revolution and destroy white supremacy. NO! That is NONSENSE. The point is that films like this will help decreases black insecurity(especially for those who do not study history) and CHALLENGE black inferiority and white superiority. Its a tiny step but a good step. At least it will grab more blacks to become aware of our achievements. That is the point...

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
And then the Songhais were conquered by Moroccans, who were largely Muslim.

Umm... You're point??? We're specifically talking about Mali. And by the time the Moroccans conquered Songhai, Songhai was a largely Islamic empire since Askia Muhammad. The Moroccans were trying to form an alliance with Songhai to combat the Ottomans. The Songhai refused and beef started. The Songhai were actually winning in the beginning when they decimated the Moroccans in the desert with the help of the Tuaregs. The Moroccans only won when they acquired gun fire and canons.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
MBJ is talented as hell. TV actors rarely break into Hollywood even if they're really good but I remember watching The Wire years ago and thinking wow I hope this kid goes somewhere. Didn't expect him to have such a meteoric rise.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
the region which now includes modern day Mali thrived long before Islam 's arrival and did so there after in spite of not because of it's leaders choice to

Stop speaking about stuff you know little about. Yes kingdoms were thriving in the area before Islam, but during Mansa Musa's time the empire was at its peak and richest and was during the time when the empire was Islamic. You and others still have not shown this fairytale where Islam was the fall of the Mali Empire.

Islam actually started before Mali and came around the time of the Ghana Empire.

submit to arabism/Islam:stopitslime:trading it's abundant natural resources(gold,salt) was what made Ancient Mali a power not preying to some sand cac bootleg Jesus 5011 times a day:comeon:
What the hell are you even talking about? You're not even making sense. You said Islam was the fall of the Mali empire. Stop running around in circles and PROVE it...

initially druing Malis golden age it was still highly influenced by indigenous African knowledge and traditions..the more immersed in traditional Islam Mali became the more it started to decline over the years/ due to in large part to it's leaders insistence of living my Islamic law against all logic...
Once again you are just saying things just to same them. Mali Empire for much of its history was an Islamic Empire. It was only during the beginning with Sundiate Keita where it was largely indigenous faiths. During its peak(Islam) we started to see these Islamic universities which educated half the population. We started to see focus on medicine, archiecture building, writing and among other things. I'm not crediting this to Islam but saying those things were happening when the empire was at its PRIME and at its prime the empire was again Islamic.

How about you try showing us the opposite. And the bolded is a silly strawman and using ABC logic. Saying that since Islam was the last religion of the empire that's the reason for why it declined. Going by the red bolded I can officially say that you don't know shyt about what you're talking about.

Mali Empire did not have any radicalized Islamic laws that went against logic.:mindblown:

  1. Mali Islam was AFRICAN traditional and even till this day! Ibn Battuta himself even noted that Mali Islam was far different than the one in the Middle East because the one in Mali the women had more freedom and power!
    The Massufa were devout Muslims who said their prayers, learned the law, and memorized the Qu'ran. But their women were "not modest in the presence of men" and did not wear a veil. Although people married, "but the women do not travel with the husband, and if one of them wanted to do that, she would be prevented by her family." Each was free to take other sexual partners from outside the "prohibited degrees of marriage" [father, brother, son, etc.]. "One of them would enter his house to find his wife with her companion and would not disapprove of that conduct."
    Ibn Battuta in West Africa
  2. Mali Empire was at a time during the Islam golden age where it was largely Islam making contribution towards medical/medicine, science, mathematics, architecture, literature, etc. How the hell were they going against logic???:mindblown:
  3. Mali during its Islamic period placed a lot of emphasis on education. Right after his trip to Mecca, Mansa Musa built many universities and tried importing many professors from other kingdoms.
Show please tell everyone how Islam in Mali caused everyone to go against logic?

i'm sure Mansa giving away so much of his nations wealth/gold every time he vised an arab country couldn't have helped but what was the nail in the coffin was Yemeni origin Moroccans invading and destroying all of the black African Sahel civilizations i'm sure with little resistance from African leaders/people of those kingdoms whom were taught through Islamic scripted they are abeeds made by Allah to serve sand cacs and it is harem haram to every raise their black hands aginst Allah's chosen ones:mjpls:

What the hell are you talking about? Again just saying shyt out your ass. The Moroccan invasion of Songhai came way after Mansa Musa's lifetime and to compare to two is just silly. The Moroccans weren't Yemeni(I don't know where you got that from), but instead expelled Berbers/Moors from Spain.

Mansa Musa not only helped out those Egyptians and Arabs states, but mostly his own people which you and others ignore.

Influence in Timbuktu
It is recorded that Mansa Musa traveled through the cities of Timbuktu and Gao on his way to Mecca, and made them a part of his empire when he returned around 1325. He brought architects from Andalusia, a region in Spain, and Cairo to build his grand palace in Timbuktu and the great Djinguereber Mosque that still stands today.

Timbuktu soon became a center of trade, culture, and Islam; markets brought in merchants from Hausaland, Egypt, and other African kingdoms, a university was founded in the city (as well as in the Malian cities of Djenné and Ségou), and Islam was spread through the markets and university, making Timbuktu a new area for Islamic scholarship. News of the Malian empire’s city of wealth even traveled across the Mediterranean to southern Europe, where traders from Venice, Granada, and Genoa soon added Timbuktu to their maps to trade manufactured goods for gold.

The University of Sankore in Timbuktu was restaffed under Musa's reign, with jurists, astronomers, and mathematicians. The university became a center of learning and culture, drawing Muslim scholars from around Africa and the Middle East to Timbuktu.

In 1330, the kingdom of Mossi invaded and conquered the city of Timbuktu. Gao had already been captured by Musa's general, and Musa quickly regained Timbuktu and built a rampart and stone fort, and placed a standing army, to protect the city from future invaders.

While Musa’s palace has since vanished, the university and mosque still stand in Timbuktu today.

His building program caused an intellectual and economic expansion that would continue into the later Middle Ages. It also established Mali as an economic "global power" and one of the intellectual capitals of the world. Mali became well known attracting students as far as Europe and Asia. Mansa Musa is also credited with assisting the birth of Sudano-Sahelian architecture and the spread of Islamic religion in western Africa. His military campaigns allowed Mali to become the most powerful military on the continent rivaled only by Morocco and Egypt. His greatest legacy, however, was the hajj which not only caused an economic inflation in Mediterranean but indirectly supplied financial support for the Italian renaissance.

The rest of your post I won't even address.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)