manga: what you reading brehs....


All Star
Apr 10, 2014

God to give credit to Nico. It was nice for him to realize that he couldn't betray what Ichico taught him, even if it meant bringing her back. Ghost basically breaking the rules just felt dirty. He gave Andy the one shot he needed to bring back Fuuko. Nice moment for Mico to help bring Fuuko back. You can't blame Nico because he looked at what he lost instead of what he had. Though knowing she will be ok because Mico if their daughter was a nice moment. As Fuuko wakes up she realizes all the people who died. I guess it is not surprising to see Fuuko lack confidence. Although as Tatiana mentioned what Billy believes. Fuuko is the one needed to go against God and is needed to jump in the loop instead of Juiz.



As Ruin comes to destroy the roundtable, we have Tatiana getting help from Andy, Fuuko and Billy. We finally get a reveal of what his ability is and that is Unfair. The meaning behind this is interesting. An ability that would allow him to copy other abilities does seem unfair, granted as Andy showed us, specialization is one thing Billy lacked. However, for Billy the activation of his ability might be unfair to him. It requires the target to hate him and view him as a threat. We see that Billy no longer has the Undead ability since Andy no longer views him as an enemy like he did during the Spring arc. Rather than being a max of x abilities, it simply needs to meet the conditions. Although looking back at him using Unchange makes you wonder how it works with the dead like Gina. Though the real pain for Billy is that he needed to make the negators hate him to use their abilities. It is a tragic part of Billy's character because he was someone who forced himself to play the villain because that is how he could make the most of his abilities against God. After all, Under would never hate him in the same way. Also, looking back, this is why he didn't use Unjustice against Juiz. Towards at the end of the Spring Arc, he must have realized getting Fuuko to hate him would be impossible. Though for Billy to realize that Andy truly is a good guy and much like us since he came across as an a$$hole.







Despite all of that, Billy does make his way to fight Ruin. Utilizing Unmove and Unchange truly maximizes Billy's skill. Alongside using Unstoppable. Though the fact that Billy got Ruin to hate him, but saying he is nothing like Andy shows how smart Billy is. He knows he holds his value what he is to God, but since Juiz didn't know of Ruin that would imply his worth compared to Andy was lower. It was checkmate once the conditions met for him to be able to use Unruin. Billy truly shines as a great character in this series. It feels like at the end of the 100th loop for him and Tatiana to be back together smiling.



Before the 101st loop begins, Juiz explains some important stuff to both Andy and Fuuko. Though we truly see what Fuuko granted even she knows what she wants isn't realistic. It indicates that she understands that her ideals aren't for the best because hardships are what allows a person to grow. For Fuuko the pain of her Unluck is what ruined her life until she met Andy. It makes so much sense what she wants to push for is to get rid of these negator abilities. These spawn and only brought misfortune in their lives.



The artifact remembers is an important tool for Fuuko going forward. Which is the thing stuck onto Andy's head which seals Victor. Essentially, the way it functions is that it either continues or resets a person's memory. Though it is interesting that Andy was also founded in this 100th loop since that artifact is what created Andy. We can recall the frustration between Juiz and Victor. Victor tired of the failures and seeing Juiz suffer. While Juiz wanted to push forward to make Victor happy. It is heartbreaking that their love for one another is what pushed them apart for the current loop. For Juiz to go from wanting to continue to resetting Victor must have been hard.



In many ways, Juiz and Victor are the parents that brought Andy to this world. It does raise the question of why did Juiz not stick with Andy because, as we know with Andy's past, he suffered so much. He just wanted to die, but couldn't. Despite those frustrations him thanking Juiz because if it wasn't for her, he would never have met Fuuko. It's because of that, they push forward with optimism. Two beings that wanted to die found happiness meeting each other.






All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Man, shyt hits deep :mjcry:. Act II time

For much of this series there has been a clear parallel between Fuuko and Andy's relationship compared to Juiz and Victor. Though it is interesting to see that Juiz gets as emotional as Fuuko despite the strong front she puts up. Though the key thing here is that to loop they need Fuuko to stay at the roundtable for 11 mins. With Ragnarök staring we finally have God revealing themselves.



Though the most interesting thing is that there are two Gods. The Sun and Moon. Well, Luna is the one that communicates to Juiz and Fuuko now. Essentially, the Sun God makes the rules and creates the UMAs. While Luna creates the artifacts. Though between these two Gods they have a side, they go for. While it is clear that the Sun God is awful, as we can see in the Spring Arc. Luna is more interesting. On one hand, she is on the humans side, but things are more for her amusement. In many ways, she is just as awful as the Sun God, but in a different way. Learning this and watching the fight in Fuuko's position, and she truly sees these people are just a game for these two Gods. She also understands what Juiz went through in the previous 99 loops. There is no doubt Juiz is happy for once that she can fight and not be watching her allies die.




It has been quite awhile since we have seen Victor and will be the first time he is fighting side by side with Juiz. It's clear that Victor and Juiz have a special relationship and for Victor, where this will be the last time the Juiz he remembers will be and no doubt he wants to be by her side. Tbh I doubt Andy really believed that Victor would have interfered again, since giving the points to Fuuko was enough to trust Victor. We get introduced to the first of the sacred treasures and that is Aegis. Basically, a giant shield that can even go to toe with an attack from God. Also, Rebellion uses the power fulled by vengeance, but at the cost of the user's life. Victor gave up on slaying God while Juiz hasn't.






Victor always wanted to protect Juiz, but Juiz wanted to be there along his side. It is funny to see Victor play the overprotective boyfriend. Though the fact that Juiz keeps the headgear with her has a more meaning to it. Especially since Andy has replaced Victor at this point in the story, but it serves as her final connection to him. Despite putting a good hit, Juiz goes down and Victor finally understands the meaning of loss. All this time, Victor never held a connection to anybody and for him, other allies were just dead weight. It finally clicked to Victor why creating these allies were important because the bonds you create have so much meaning. On the flipside the loss hits even harder. Victor's logic of ending Juiz's suffering made sense. But he never thought what the loss of Juiz would be to him. Of course, it crushes him. Sadly, now vengeance and anger lies in Victor's heart and for him using rebellion is enough to protect Fuuko before she can loop.





As we start with the 101st loop, we see Fuuko is at the spot where Akira Kuno became a negator, and she altered that fate. As we know though, Akira became Unknown and both him and his mom dealt with so much suffering. That is the first part of Fuuko's plan. Taking Juiz's approach, but trying to create the best happiness she can do for everyone she cares about. The one thing to note that there is a limited number of seats at the roundtable, so I wonder how she will juggle all of that. The final sacred treasure, the heart, is what she needs to look for as Andy looks for the other artifacts. Will be very interesting how this plan goes for Fuuko as she is now the boss of the Union.



The Guru

May 2, 2012
Hajime no ippo been off for a month. Left us cliffhanger in one of the biggest moments in years. Makes me think something bad is going to happen


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
I've to admit the pacing of these chapters feels a bit faster than with the 100th loop. Then again, things are familiar to us, so it makes sense now to have to repeat stuff. Fuuko's strategy here is simple. The idea is to get the optimal team and be able to handle as many quests as possible. The one strategy we see her from earlier is to pass on quests. As so, they get Nico, Ichigo and Gina with the rest of the guys like Billy and Rip. The most interesting change with Fuuko is that she has combined with the fighting techniques that we see from Shen and Mui. Along with the fact she can imbue objects with unluck leaves her in a position to be able to defend herself now. In many ways, like how Juiz was in the 100th loop, we see Fuuko like her to be capable even if Andy isn't around.






The big thing Fuuko was aiming for was the Remember Artifact. I assume this would be safety measures for the next loop, but it can be key for Andy maybe? The quests she got were very ideal in terms of rewards since getting a 3rd seat and Void along with it is interesting. It is nice to see that we get focus on negators that we didn't spend much time with. Of course, beating Autumn is impossible for Fuuko, which leaves Gina as the only hope to deal with it. Nice call back to when she went to Andy's past and now the young Gina learns more about the previous Gina and what she meant to Fuuko. Despite being enemies, the motivation to change things for Fuuko and Andy started with what happened to Gina. The most interesting part, thanks to Ghost UMA being added, is that we get to see the Old Gina see how much she meant to Fuuko. Honestly, Unchange just purely is about how you don't want things to change. The Unchange sword one shotting autumn is fukking nuts. Though given how old Gina was able to capture Andy, it makes sense. A very sweet moment where we get to see Gina asks Fuuko to just call her Gina instead of Ms. Gina. (Essentially call her Gina and not Gina-san using Japanese honorific.) Since it is clear Ms. Gina is what she refers to the old Gina.










Next it is on to Void and Fuuko's plan is to basically tackle her all by herself. I've to admit she was quite persistent, but was able to get that match since she was able to avoid one of Void. It didn't meet the conditions of Unavoidable until after she dodged it, so she was lucky. Though it is clear that Fuuko's unluck comes into play since damaging him from the inside has to come from her unluck.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
One of the most interesting things about this loop is how Fuuko is recruiting these negators rather of the process itself. Granted it could probably be done in an easier way, but if these guys can avoid the tragedy that ruins them why not go for that as well. Plus, we can see these guys' personalities more. Void, for instance, is a really cool and likable guy. His love for boxing came from the fact he had nothing going for him before that. Essentially, when he cries to Fuuko about wanting a place to belong to. After all, leaving behind boxing, which is clearly his one source of happiness and Fuuko doing the best so he can continue it. While for Ms. Yusa simply the unfortunate casualty of her Undraw ability left her unable to defeat a UMA and had to sit idle for who knows how long. It is not as dramatic as the others, but I do like that these tragedies are different degrees.



While for Unbreakable, the Isshin from the first 100th loop is literally a baby now. However, we know that her grandfather dying earlier than expected is what caused her to gain the ability of Unbreakable sooner than it would be ideal. More than likely could be the source of her confidence issues. When the time comes for her to join, I wonder if her personality this time around has changed. Also, Unseen is someone that we barely saw in the 100th loop. Obviously, he had the pivotal moment in the that loop, which Unknown wanted to prevent. He was on track to kill Fuuko, which would lead the quest to defeat Autumn ended in failure. Though for him to see that he always wanted the spotlight, but his power of Unseen took that away. Though I loved the message Fuuko gave him, which is why his dad didn't mind side gags for his career. In the perspective of that character, they aren't a side character. These roles are essential and can make or break a performance of a team. While from an overall story, yes there are main and side characters. There is a difference between a side character and a minor character. Which is the point Fuuko brings up. Also, he is a showcase how one can strengthen their negator skills. The bonds that he has this time allowed him to grow his Unseen to include others to be hidden alongside him. More implying he is much more compassion and trusting of his allies this time around.







With the war occurring where the artifact Remember was located, it is curious that this is the spot for Billy, Tella and Creed. Though Creed is going against both Tella and Billy. Though they all serve the same purpose and that is to stop wars and violence from happening. The sad part for Tella and Creed is how their negator skills came into play. Creed could never use up all of their ammo and thus the corrupt superiors they had found their way. Thus, his allies died because they were left out to die. For Tella it is even more drastic because for him his purpose was to return home with all of his allies. His negator ability Untell does not allow him to communicate.







Though the most interesting of them all is Billy. Whom was one of the pivotal negators in the 100th loop. Though Billy trying to act out as the villain is something that even happened in his past, and it is interesting to see he is blind now. Hard to tell whether that is something new in this loop or not. Granted for him, he still had allies who lost their lives and that burden is what drives him much like the previous loop. Much in line with the negator skill he will get eventually, Fuuko wants to settle this the most fair way possible.






All Star
Apr 10, 2014
We finally get the whole backstory of Billy. He and Tella up against Creed and quite frankly, tragedy struck both. Though this is where Unfair triggered for Billy. As we know, he lied to Juiz the entire time in the 100th loop. The most interesting bit telling her that he needs allies he can trust. When in reality he needed allies that would grow to hate him. Though how Unfair gets activated in this loop is interesting because as it goes against Fuuko. It essentially now activates with allies that he can trust, which is precisely what he told Juiz. This is the happiness Fuuko provides to Billy because now he doesn't have to force himself to be the bad guy. His skill activates on what he feels, not what his teammates or enemies feel. At long last, Billy can be his true self as we saw at the end of the 100th loop.





Also, Billy's addition is massive because in terms of leadership, he is someone Fuuko can rely on, as we see as with the course to recruit Phil next. Especially considering the Juiz from the 100th loop is someone who is grown and suffered for so long, who is the true Juiz? With the current mission, it is cool to see Nico fired up. As Phil is someone who was grown up in space, which goes against his beliefs in science. It is meant to better lives, not worsen them. As he joins Creed and Fuuko for the plan, we see a similarity between him and Fuuko. Where they don't give themselves enough credit for what they are accomplished. Fuuko as a leader and Nico as a researcher of science.




Phil is one character who wasn't explored in the 100th loop at all. Granted, he never talked because of his Unfeel. Phil and his relationship with his mom is a tragic one. As he was born in space and had to be fitted with a mechanical body. Given his negator ability is Unfeel more than likely the feelings that he manifested were from the loss of his mother. As we can see that he truly loves his mom. Though because of his body, his feelings are out of funk, and he never developed. His interactions with Sean and Fuuko were great because they helped him recognize that he would do anything to save his mom, but his mom would be devastated if he died in her stead.









It is very interesting why did Phil get the memories from his previous life. What is that artifact Entruster that he puts on to save everyone. I am just curious what is the difference this time around for Phil. On another note, Gina and Sean made a big impact here. Sean as someone that helped Phil understand his feelings better and thanks to Unchange, Phil didn't die.






All Star
Apr 10, 2014
With Phil safe now, the next negator that is aimed to be introduced is Shen. Though having Mei herself out to seek Fuuko's help was unexpected. Though one thing that changed this time around is that Feng sought out Shen this time around because Fuuko made a request out of it. Last time, Feng sought out Shen because of the remarkable strength he had. At the very least, this time around, Mei is not the source of the tragedy for Shen. Rather it is Mui. It is rather interesting that Shen being forced to train at a young age is what forced Shen and Mui to meet sooner than later. Shen has bonded with Mui since she fed him when he ran away from Feng, and he taught her martial arts in thanks. It ended up progressing their relationship faster than last time, but we understand the motivation for Shen for entering the tournament. Even if Mui is stronger than Shen, he knows the monster that Feng is, and he doesn't want to risk something happening to her.





It is quite bold of Fuuko to want to bring out Shen's tragedy, but she raised a great point of Shen in the 100th loop. He was someone who embraced his Untruth because it is the source of his strength that got him stronger. For him, his goal was getting revenge on Feng, but it was also to be stronger than Feng. Fuuko considers Shen her master and knowing what he would have wanted is the best thing she can do. Granted, the one difference is that this time Shen and Mui had a fair fight. Although it seems fitting that God would awaken Shen's Untruth similarly to when it awakened before Mei died. This time around Fuuko and the new Union was there to save those two. Even more impressively, even Feng helped to save the kids he ended up raising.







For Feng, while it wasn't his intention, he created a familial bond with both Shen and Mei. Granted it was part of Fuuko's agreement, but Shen's POV as a kid was right because he would technically protect them. Which is why Mei sought Fuuko out. This time around the 3 of them more so felt like a family, but Shen and Feng would deny that. Though we're giving an overview of Feng, and we know his motivation is to be the strongest, but there is a point that he missed this whole time. As much as they strive to be the strongest, another part of it is passing down that strength to your disciples. For Feng, he only ever trained disciples for him to be stronger rather than to pass that strength. The sign of a strong master is how strong their disciples are. Feng could never learn this joy as he endlessly sought the strongest for his own sake. Since he never aged, this never ended for him, and you could say this is a tragedy in his own right. While his tragedy wasn't avoided, but one thing that has changed is how Shen feels for Feng. We see at the end of the match that he is indeed at least fond of Feng. Nicely to look at it, Feng, Shen and Mei are a family. Unlike last time when they were separated, this time they are together.






Fuko has done an impressive job of recruiting half of the negators she met in the 100th loop. Ironic her point of this being a tough challenge wasn't wrong to Feng because Chikara's negator abilities could trigger at any time. Someone uncapable of moving could lead them to a position to die when obviously they wouldn't expect it. Fuuko's strategy makes sense, but her fitting in the crowd is evident how she never had a high school life and shoujo manga can never be a replacement for that.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
So one thing we learn in this loop is that we didn't is that Chikara wanted to be a photographer rather than taking over the family business. Obviously, this was never brought up because after losing his parents, Chikara had no place to go. Although the moment when he becomes Unmove again couldn't be anymore messed up because the moment he finally speaks up to his parents, they don't move. His negator skill was trying to prevent him from moving forward. Thankfully, Fuuko and the rest are there to save his parents.

One thing Fuuko does not realize that her going out of Chikara's life is rather cruel. While you get the idea you don't wipe out Chikara's memories, but at the same time, he is the only person who remembers them. After all, it is what will make him happy. Fuuko's intentions are good, but only we can determine our own happiness. For him, he chooses the organization because of how much he has done for Chikara from allowing him to enjoy his high school life to saving his parents. They are the people he wants to be with. Plus, while it is cruel to erase the memory of him from his friends, it is his decision at the end of the day.

One thing with all the time skips Fuuko has been accepting, it makes you wonder why Fuuko was so certain about taking them. If we recall, before Latla became a negator she had a 100% accuracy in predicting the future. So Fuuko has been taking advantage of that fact in secret. It is rather creepy that she has been around Latla since she was a kid. With that being said, it moves on to the next tragedy, and it will be saving Latla's sister Leila. Though it is quite fitting that no matter the loop, Rip will dedicate himself to save Leila. Though here we for the first time see them face off against am UMA among the Master Rules. After all, sickness is a core part of life even in the real world. What happens if you can't get sick? Would that throw off the balance like wiping out all the seasons? It would be a tough challenge, but it seems Rip's Unrepair is the key. At least he is on board with Fuuko, but when the artifact's Rip used in the previous loop gets mentioned, it is mentioned he amputated both of his legs. Which really highlights the determination in Rip. However, this time around we see that the pair of artifacts is shared between Latla and Rip. Perhaps indicating that in this loop, Rip will be sharing the burden with Latla and this is the difference that can save Leila?


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
So it is finally revealed what Latla's negator ability is, and it is Untruth. Given how it is joked when we meet how her predictions never come truth and how her craft was ruined much like Rip's with Unrepair it seems fitting. The most notable thing in this fight with Sick is the return of Andy or sort of. It is a piece of Andy, but a piece is a nice return. Him stopping a meteorite that came from Fuuko's unluck really shows how well the tandem works together. The way he puts the different negator without missing a beat really shows how focused he is.




As Sick retreats he heads into the Master Room where all the UMAs that correspond with a master rule like sick correspond. The fact that this is something Juiz didn't know about kind of shows the different kind of leader that Fuuko is from her. Juiz was always very straightforward while Fuuko is willing to be experimental and be risky. Though when Fuuko gets mentioned as a vessel does that means these master rules correspond with a negator? Though learning the real reason why we haven't seen Andy is that he was holding the master rules back. The big question is: Why are they in play now compared to back then? Did Victor do the same thing for Juiz in each loop? No doubt defeating God requires Andy, but overcoming the Master Rules is hard especially considering Sick who is the weakest among them really gave them trouble.






Still, to get in touch with Andy they need to get to the sun, which will require Unburn. Enjin is one who didn't get too much focus, but he was a simple man making ramen. For him, he wanted to make the best ramen, but much like with food, the best is different for each person. Kind of forgetting he wanted his mom to eat his ramen. Of course, his Unburn would get in the way, but as usual, Fuuko found a way to get around that. Now with Enjin on board, they make it to the sun where Andy is standing, and we know he isn't dead. But obviously, it takes a bit for him to get going again. It is a little confusing since the main draw of coming there was that Andy perhaps held the key to the 5 remaining negators perhaps?









May 23, 2012
Just picked up The Stellar Swordmaster, a manwha on Webtoons...good art, and it starts off really strong. The first five chapters have enough juice for me to namedrop it here and see if anyone else has checked it out, because this has some promise.


Kid from the slums starts hearing a sword call out to him. After everyone he knows gets bodied by a Knight, he starts training to get revenge with the sword guiding him (but poorly). Characters are cutthroat, the MC is clever as hell since he had to survive in the slums, and the action animation is valid so far.

I haven't gotten to the power system breakdown, but there's definitely something to it.
Last edited:


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Now the first to recruit next is Juiz. It is interesting to think that both Undead and Juiz existed outside the content of this world. Though it can be thought that God made them equivalent to the humans on earth. I would assume she means their identity isn't that of humans, but given that Juiz ended up being an extra child for some parents, she basically is human. Despite being Julia, she still is Juiz. Her sense of justice is still pure as it was as Juiz. Although the comparisons to Fuuko just shine bright. Though it is funny for Fuuko to see someone who acts like her and how they can deal with. Her persistence is just like Fuuko's and how she heads first into danger. Though the most interesting thing here is that Fuuko has no idea what triggered Unjustice for Juiz. So triggering it for Julia will be very intriguing since Fuuko had a good idea for when the other negator abilities activated and what triggered them.





Man seeing Andy duke it out with the Master Rules and see how much of a monster it is. It is reminded when Andy fought Rip in the 100th loop and how his skills improved when he damaged his brain. It seems using his soul has allowed him to take another level. Truly, meeting Lucy might have been the thing to give Fuuko and Andy an edge because I doubt Andy would have believed it otherwise. Still, for Andy to be praised as the strongest negator this time around means that Juiz was always considered stronger than Victor. Which implies the threat of Juiz is what kept the master rules at bay. Though Andy did let two of the Master Rules out. Though it felt like he chose them for a reason.





Much like the rest of the Negators, Fuuko prevented their tragedy. It is fitting for Haruka to be the one to prevent Top's tragedy. Sadly, though in life, one tragedy makes way for another one. Though much like many people who have been cursed that are forced to do bad things to survive in the rules of the world. Though it was easy for him to forget that Haruka was the one that had been showing nothing, but kindness. I do love how because Fuuko helped Haruka's grandfather survive, times of war ended much sooner. Haruka know instead of making weapons to survive now makes things to make peoples lives better. It is clear that she wasn't the shut in that Billy was disgusted with in the 100th loop. Rather than matching her grandfather as Unbreakable, she adapted to the times. But for Top, who only lived in the world as the hunter finally feels like it is to be hunted when Beast comes. It was a lesson for him that needed to happen eventually.





Though him being able to gain Unbreakable was something Fuuko wasn't prepared for. Which the angle from before that time is needed with these abilities to master them. So much like Andy was keeping Soul Chains to keep the Master Rules away. We see the same with Beast and the animals he commands. Essentially, the soul is the first rule that Fuuko pointed out and mastering that rule will help what is to come. So the moment before Fuuko's unluck kicks is, do we see her with the previous inhibitors of Unluck in the previous loops? Curious what would change who becomes a negator. At least it seems good may finally be coming Fuuko's way.









All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Man, the creativity of this series continues to impress :wow:

So as we discovered that the first Master Rule was the soul. In which this can take Fuuko's unluck to another level. Imbuing her soul with unluck can make it imbue in a way it couldn't before. Smart play to imbue the part of Beast's soul with unluck when the minions were killed. Eventually making its way back to Beast. For both Fuuko and Haruka the experience of Unbreakable carries through from generation to generation. Which is something both Victor and Juiz lacked because they were the first generation of Undead and Unjustice. We saw in the 100th loop Andy use his experience as Victor to figure out a way to level up. Now will Julia do the same? Granted, given Julia's age, I am curious if she can.

There was the bit from before where you wondered why didn't we see the Master Rules come out before? Well, it is because Juiz basically kicked their ass. After all, someone with 100 loops of experience is not one that would be beat easily. It does seem that Soul never fought Juiz from my understanding. Granted, he leads the Master Rules and quite level-headed judging his conversation with Luna. It makes sense that Soul, Death and Change are the top 3 seats of the Master Rules. It is more curious why Juiz couldn't utilize those rules, but it's clear Fuuko has the Union in a position they weren't able to be in before. Especially with what Andy has done. Still relaying the information about souls is the next big objective and Language is trying to put a stop to that.

It is rather curious as Unforgettable that Nico was able to best Language. Showing that there was someone other than Juiz that defeated a Master Rule. The game of Shiritori, also used as a fight, is fascinating. Being able to weird Aegis Shield is one such example of that. Granted, the game becomes a game of who makes a mistake first and given that Nico is not Unforgettable it gives an inevitable feel that Language is bound to win. When Language summons the Dragon, it takes a callback to Astral Projection with Lucy towards the end of the 100th loop. Imagination is key and which is why the dragon was able to damage Ichihio because she is currently presented as an astral projection. Though brining in Feng was quite the interesting play. Yes, it is risky, but in terms of strength, he is def one of the best in the Union.

Though the concern when Language reaches her 3rd form, she summons both Gods. Obviously, to imagine the power of the two Gods is impossible, so it isn't quite the real deal. The combination of Nico's mind and Feng's strength is quite the impressive combination. Ideally, in this game, it makes sense for Nico to become Unforgettable, but to lose Ichio is obviously too risky for him. As we saw before with the Dragon and the Gods being summoned, imagination plays a giant part in this game. If Nico can revive both Ichico and Feng it would allow him to maintain his happiness, but also give Feng the strength to beat Language.

Now it is interesting af to see Nico use his words to learn more about the souls. That means he can get Ichico and Feng back. But more importantly, it signifies what Fuuko has been trying so hard to protect for this whole time. Essentially, in the past 100 loops humanity has gone through so much and that imagination is strong enough to make for a match with Language. Honestly, Language wanting to take on Unforgettable was her biggest mistake because that is what gave Nico the chance to beat her. Curious how it will wrap up.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Clever move out of Nico to use the Superior Buster Soul Version of push Sun out of bounds to where the Master Rules are. With that damaging moving towards Language it basically sealed their victory. Nico's idea that these negator types are all the same, and it is more so how we use them. As the soul is the key. Though the next job is to pick up Kururu who is Unchaste. Though it is interesting to learn that the woman who eventually becomes Fuuko's mother is performing there, but just meeting her mother is the least of her worries. As Soul has mentioned, Fuuko's soul has reached its limits. Unlike with Juiz who wasn't born in this world, when a person is created they normally have 100 years to live. Which, by all accounts, is very standard. Essentially, a soul in of itself is unique. Fuuko's parents need to meet and start dating the same way or Fuuko won't be born. Which is all that is needed to restore Fuuko's current soul. More than likely, I assume you will have the negator Fuuko and the newborn Fuuko as separate entities. I guess it is meant to assume that nothing will change from Fuuko being born, so her soul is restored. Still, what happens if the two Fuukos interact or God has made that impossible?






Well, one of the few times that Fuuko's plan does not go the way she intended and that is because of Soul. Kururu not only has Unchaste, but it is stronger than the previous loop. Before it was simply those that she used it on would admire her unless they never experienced love or are in love with someone currently. This time we see that it can mess with people's memories and replace it with Kururu, which is rather disturbing. Still, the fact Kaede can control souls unconsciously is something that feels unusual since she is a normal human. A better phrase she has a more natural ability to gravitate people towards her. This is one of the few times when the fast pacing hurt this arc. Also, in the case of Bunny, her recruitment happens offscreen. Got to give credit to Soul he saw a chance to fully beat Fuuko and took it. It was scummy, but that shouldn't be surprising.





If we recall from earlier in this loop, Fuuko wanted to ask everyone if she can use Remember after she recruited them. Granted Tatiana isn't around, but we all know Tatiana's wishes to Fuuko at the end of the previous loop. No surprise they see what Fuuko has been trying to do on her own and want to share that burden is what they wish. It is rather curious now that Tatiana is now a model, which differed from the previous loop. Granted, at this point there are clear changes with the final 3. Though what is Tatiana's tragedy if her parents aren't around? Granted, not being able to spend time with them feels like a partial cause for her Untouchable to come about.




