Man of Steel (2013)


May 1, 2012
First time I've seen anything Superman related and it actually felt like it was superman....

He actually seemed god-like in this movie. In the Reeves movies he was just a guy in a suit to me, and that was probably due to technological limitations. But in this, that muthafukka was ridiculous. And I like how they portrayed the fight scenes how Superman would actually fight...lots of flying, very fast and destructive.



Kang Deezy

Overall Nice Guy
May 6, 2012
The stoop with dat dope fanny padding
Yeah...I was thinking. Why didn't that family just duck under the laser beam?...

doesn't take away from the piff I witnessed tho ...

There was that, and the way he actually got the superman suit that came off weird to me.

Plus the father dying to save the dog, that whole scene while powerful was kinda ehhh to me in hindsight.

I gotta see this again. Might be my GOAT superhero movie.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Carné Asada;4582492 said:
BTW, is it safe to imply that this was more superman than Clark through out the film? I remember hearing an interview of "Superman with the beard".

HE was basically Clark throughout the movie. Not the goofy, bumbling idiot Clark Kent "mild mannered reporter" cover that people are used to seeing but just the actual Clark Kent.


I'm talking about Superman fighting two highly powered thugs in the middle of Smallville and not trying to draw the fight away from the town filled with people. I'm talking about Superman laying the smack down on Zod in the middle of Metropolis punching him through exploding buildings!

shyt, when the fight finally left the city. that's what I thought to myself ("Finally!") but what happens? He punches Zod into a satellite which they slam dunk down with them onto Metropolis again.


Explain how I have to go from seeing that to believing that Zod's worth killing over him slowly maneuvering his heat vision over three people sitting in a corner/

Well he was in :cape: mode during the fight with Faora and that big dude since he was attempting to save the soldiers on several occasions.
I really didn't need to see him running all over the place saving pets and bystanders during his fight with Zod.
And the scene were he snapped Zod's neck and the rest of the fight was that civilians were an abstract concept during the height of the battle (how many people did you see during the actual Zod/Superman fight once it really got started?) while in that moment that family was "real" and presently facing a horrible death.


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
finally seen this shyt. Man yall nikkaz is bugging, shyt was a snooze fest, I don't see how a grown man can even be entertained by this shyt
I'm done with comic movies I see I just out grown this shyt, it's for kids, I don't get any of the hype I see why rotten tomatoes gave the reviews they did. shyt was terrible. The trailer had me fooled, I thought this was gonna crush Avengers, I was wrong.

Visuals could not save this turd. For one, the scenes did not blend well at all, they did not flow into one another at all, flashbacks were random and did nothing for the story.

krypton was just a waste of time, they could have just started the movie with the ship crashing on Earth. Jor El does have better hands than Nolan's batman thoIt was hard for me to pay attention to this movie, so forgive me if this is explained, but how the hell did Clark know where the ship was, and how the hell did Lois know

Guy who plays superman he looks the part, but he is a terrible actor. He can't deliver any lines, when he kills Zod he cries out and it's George Lucas prequel bad man. He also sucked in another action movie called the Immortals, but i digress.

hour in, I realized this was a shytty movie, if you watch an hour of a film and are not entertained, it is terrible.

Zod shows up, no real flare to it, he just pops up, saturday morning cartoon style
action finally happens, it was cool to the see the goons do their Nappa impersation on those jets. It got boring quick, I don't remember how the one guy even died that threw the train at superman.

Movie seemed very transformers like with the military being around every fukking battle, when they should be killed in seconds. The atmosphere thing really made no sense, since the sun is way gives them their super powers, there no reason why Superman should have lost his powers when they are in Earth's orbit. But I guess they needed a reason for him to be weakend for plot's sake.

Synder is great visual style, but I see why Watchman and 300 are his only good movies, both are taking straight from graphics novels, which is nearly impossible to fukk up. He does not know how to make scenes flow. He should have just did a Kingdom Come movie and became a legend.

Nolan I don't wanna hear shyt about this bum again, him and his boy came up with this story, and it is the worst thing about this movie. Dialogue is terrible. Zero tension the entire film even thought a city populated by millions is being destroyed, shyt was 911 on Steroids, how could anybody possible survived that shyt.

Very transformers like with the destruction, whoever said the fighting was DBZ like needs to hang themselves.

Why Zod look like he was invading Zion with that gravity machine, shyt was a terrible sequence and a waste of time. The effects didn't look that good on that segment either,
seemed on par with Matrix Revolutions, I guess because it was so ridiuclous looking, and I thought this was suppose to the down to Earth Superman.

Last fight with Zod was nice, nothing I'd wanna see again, but it looked good, a bit anti-climatic. Maybe with better acting it would've been more powerful.

Fishburn only somebody who displayed really acting and character, from the office in the newsroom, to when he was trying to help the bytch from under the rubble. Talent makes a huge difference in these type of movies, I don't understand why they don't get better actors.

Overall shyt was garbage, marvel still got the throne with the Avengers

cosign entire post, especially the bolded. I still don't understand how Jor El (a scientist) was able to give Zod (military beast) that work in combat, the hand skills Jor El displayed was better than anything shown by Bats in the Nolan series, and Bats is "supposed" to be a master of over 120 martial arts, dude looked like an average club/bar fighter to me :what:


Stanning has its benefits...
Feb 11, 2013
completely agree with lois needing to be hotter.

maybe they give her the katie holmes treatment and get someone else for the sequel.

But they replaced Katie Holmes with motherfukking piefaced Maggie Gylennhall (sp?) :ufedup: I was so mad I had to look at that prune face... Lookin like she fifty and ish....


Jun 26, 2012
I just came back from seeing it and I didn't like it at all, as both a movie and as a Superman story.

About the latter it just never felt like the true Superman. It was all so dark and grim and as Mark Waid (Top 5 Superman writer) said perfectly in his review, you never felt like Supes was victorious or succeeded in making you feel safe.

The guy showed no concern for human life during the fight with Zod, smashing through buildings and whatnot like it was nothing, which made the part where he suddenly had to kill Zod to save a single family fall completely flat. Millions of people just died in gravity-crushed and collapsing buildings but for three people killing Zod was worth it? Seriously, did anyone feel proud that he killed him? Did that feel triumphant? Because it just felt more depressing than it already was to me.
Then there was my fear of Pa's Kent portrayal. When the audience laughs uncomfortably when he tells Clark "maybe" about letting everyone in the school bus die, you know you fukked up. That shyt seemed a step too far in the trailers and it definitely is a step too far in the movie. It's the point where I could no longer justify Pa Kent's concerns about Clark's well-being because he just turned into a soulless dikk who apparently thinks that it's alright to let people die even if you could've easily saved them. It's a characterization so insulting I can never forgive it.

Then there's the problems with the movie itself, like the atrocious pacing for instance. Scenes jumped around without a clue, like one moment Clark is cauterizing Lois' wound, then in the next scene the Spaceship they're in is taking off and Lois is laying in the snow, like did he just dump her there and fly off? With the spaceship he doesn't even know how to control? Lois asks Martha about Clark and it immediately cuts to her standing at Jonathan's grave, like we really just skipped the scene where she learned to understand him? Or what about the flashbacks which at no point felt like they fluently fit into the story. The story kept skipping around to the point I seriously expected Clark to see a coffee mug and remember that one time in kindergarten when his teacher dropped a mug and he caught it with super speed.

Also, the dialogue was atrocious. Nearly 75% of the dialogue was exposition without a hint of subtlety. I seriously think the movie contains over fifteen variations of the line "You have to decide the kind of man you want to be when you grow up Clark". Pa Kent says it in every fukking scene that he's in, Jor-El says it like twice in the opening and another three times in ghost form, and even Zod asks Clark who he wants to be once or twice.

Then there was just awful lines like the military chick asking "What is that?" when the scientist mentioned terraforming, or as a matter of fact, every line of dialog by the scientist guy and the military was awful. "This man is not a threat", he exclaims in such dramatic fashion I can only imagine the screenplay probably said "At this point, adlib a line about Superman not being a threat".

And honestly, the acting wasn't all that either. Everyone had their moments here and there but just the same there were also a lot of scenes where the acting was dull and uninspired, like nobody was really into it. There's a scene towards the end when Zod explains his very being to Clark and Cavill just stands there looking at him like he isn't even registering what he's saying. For a guy that could win the Best Superman Cosplay award every year for the rest of his life, he has the charisma and screen presence of a wet sponge. Unbelievable.

Oh, but hey, at least the action was great, right? Because that's what matters in a Superman movie, that he punches people through buildings for half an hour straight instead of, you know, ever coming close to standing for what Superman is about.


respect you opinion, but :shaq2:


Jun 26, 2012
I get that. But they didn't even make an attempt to show Clark as giving a fukk about other people's lives during the last thirty minutes of city-destroying mayhem. It would make perfect sense that he wouldn't be able to save everybody, and that the cost of the battle was high. It's another thing entirely that he never even bothers to try and protect or save people until the very end when it happens to be convenient for the plot.


2nd of all, PAY ATTENTION... thousands had died, NOT because superman couldn't careless, but because he COULD NOT BE AT TWO PLACES AT THE SAME TIME. he was busy on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD trying to destroy the gravity machine so those "thousands" won't end up becoming BILLIONS!!!

LASTLY, the final brawl... WTF would you EXPECT when you have two SUPERHUMAN BEING GOING AT EACH OTHER??? and don't say, "well, superman could of brought the fight elsewhere" because ZOD wasn't going to following superman to som damn OPEN FIELD... he would of PROCEED in doing whut he VOWED TO DO which was to kill EVERY HUMAN that he SEES.

and even with that! it wasn't SUPERMAN CAUSING that destruction... it was ZOD...superman didn't throw anyone thru a building, he was the one getting TOSSED. everything SUPERMAN did was in mind of trying his BEST not to be responsible to kill a human life.

every single human death was accounted by ZOD and his GOONS.


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
cosign entire post, especially the bolded. I still don't understand how Jor El (a scientist) was able to give Zod (military beast) that work in combat, the hand skills Jor El displayed was better than anything shown by Bats in the Nolan series, and Bats is "supposed" to be a master of over 120 martial arts, dude looked like an average club/bar fighter to me :what:

batman begins was the only film in the Nolan batman series where batman's fighting looked credible when he was doing the ninja training...but for some reason that's where Nolan dropped the ball in the other 2 flicks. if you're going to portray an action comic book character you got to put as much as effort into the fighting as you do the story. They used that bullshyt Keysi fighting method for those films which made the fighting look woefully average

Man of Steel however remains a great comic book movie in my eyes