Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
He would have done a better job than Synder.

He would have done a better job than Synder.
action scenes wouldn't be as dope. So no.
Says whom? JJ can do justice to action and tell a story, something Snyder or Goyer can't do at all.
Even A bum can tell a story! Snyder is an accomplished director who's put together financial mega-hits. He's incapable of telling a story, he just threw together random images and said that's my film?
Accomplished director?!Snyder is a visual man and that's all, but he can do action so that's all that counts right FOH
MY Dude, if you watch and love movies; And made being a film director your profession, and then made movies people saw and loved 300, Man of steel. AND you made millions, that's called accomplishing goals![]()
@ this spin, we were all wrong about Michael Bay :ohhh2:
No spinning involved breh, just alternate perspectives. I can see how you think Michael Bay is a piece of shytlevel director. But If you look at michael bay as a master in making cheesey b-level action movies pre-teens, kids, older folk will eat up, he's not a bad dude.
I get that. But they didn't even make an attempt to show Clark as giving a fukk about other people's lives during the last thirty minutes of city-destroying mayhem. It would make perfect sense that he wouldn't be able to save everybody, and that the cost of the battle was high. It's another thing entirely that he never even bothers to try and protect or save people until the very end when it happens to be convenient for the plot.
finally seen this shyt. Man yall nikkaz is bugging, shyt was a snooze fest, I don't see how a grown man can even be entertained by this shyt
I'm done with comic movies I see I just out grown this shyt, it's for kids, I don't get any of the hype I see why rotten tomatoes gave the reviews they did. shyt was terrible. The trailer had me fooled, I thought this was gonna crush Avengers, I was wrong.
Visuals could not save this turd. For one, the scenes did not blend well at all, they did not flow into one another at all, flashbacks were random and did nothing for the story.
krypton was just a waste of time, they could have just started the movie with the ship crashing on Earth. Jor El does have better hands than Nolan's batman tho
It was hard for me to pay attention to this movie, so forgive me if this is explained, but how the hell did Clark know where the ship was, and how the hell did Lois know
Guy who plays superman he looks the part, but he is a terrible actor. He can't deliver any lines, when he kills Zod he cries out and it's George Lucas prequel bad man. He also sucked in another action movie called the Immortals, but i digress.
hour in, I realized this was a shytty movie, if you watch an hour of a film and are not entertained, it is terrible.
Zod shows up, no real flare to it, he just pops up, saturday morning cartoon style
action finally happens, it was cool to the see the goons do their Nappa impersation on those jets. It got boring quick, I don't remember how the one guy even died that threw the train at superman.
Movie seemed very transformers like with the military being around every fukking battle, when they should be killed in seconds. The atmosphere thing really made no sense, since the sun is way gives them their super powers, there no reason why Superman should have lost his powers when they are in Earth's orbit. But I guess they needed a reason for him to be weakend for plot's sake.
Synder is great visual style, but I see why Watchman and 300 are his only good movies, both are taking straight from graphics novels, which is nearly impossible to fukk up. He does not know how to make scenes flow. He should have just did a Kingdom Come movie and became a legend.
Nolan I don't wanna hear shyt about this bum again, him and his boy came up with this story, and it is the worst thing about this movie. Dialogue is terrible. Zero tension the entire film even thought a city populated by millions is being destroyed, shyt was 911 on Steroids, how could anybody possible survived that shyt.
Very transformers like with the destruction, whoever said the fighting was DBZ like needs to hang themselves.
Why Zod look like he was invading Zion with that gravity machine, shyt was a terrible sequence and a waste of time. The effects didn't look that good on that segment either,
seemed on par with Matrix Revolutions, I guess because it was so ridiuclous looking, and I thought this was suppose to the down to Earth Superman.
Last fight with Zod was nice, nothing I'd wanna see again, but it looked good, a bit anti-climatic. Maybe with better acting it would've been more powerful.
Fishburn only somebody who displayed really acting and character, from the office in the newsroom, to when he was trying to help the bytch from under the rubble. Talent makes a huge difference in these type of movies, I don't understand why they don't get better actors.
Overall shyt was garbage, marvel still got the throne with the Avengers
crowe hi-jacks another one.
less of him, more costner. and he died pretty bogus. shoulda had zod kill him to really drive home how evil he was. "i killed both your daddy 'el. you mad?"
last fight scene was neo v. smith pt. 4 on a sunny day.
hope they use the nolan batman formula with two villains next time. we already know one is gonna be lex. hope the other is darkseid or braniac. all that money it made, its getting the budget. no excuses.
I actually agree with a whole lot of watching you're saying.
I was ready to give it a 6/10, but then those action scenes started jumping off.
Bumped it up to a 8/10.
I think we'll see more of what you're talking about in the sequel.He'll eventually progress into the Superman we all know.....if the writers incorporate that shyt right.
man problem wasn't with how superman was portrayed, I could careless
the movie was just bad. The plot didn't make any sense. Jor-El is a scientist but he beat Zod up pretty easy, who was supposed to be genetically engineered to be a warrior. They arrest Zod put him in the phantom zone, then the very next scene Kyrpton is blowing up, shyt was ackward.
So Zod wanted to turn Earth to Krypton with a machine for what?
He didn't enjoy having god like power and being virtually immortal.
machine caused most the damage not the fight between him in Zod, the fukking city was already leveled before they even fought.
Also what was the point of the yellow sun if they can lose their powers just by changing the atmosphere. Also Zod has a ship with a whole crew of Kryptonians, they chould all just touched down and ganged up on superman with their powers.
Also why does Superman sound like a jet when he takes off and flies, he is not wearing Iron Man's suit, he shouldn't leave jet stream like he has rockets either. It's like Synder watched Iron Man 1 when he broke the barrier and was, wow that looks cool. I swear they even used the same SFX
movie seemed like a rush job, and proves great special effects cannot save a bad movie it deserved all those reviews, watching After Earth today hopefully its better than this.
Tell em why you madman problem wasn't with how superman was portrayed, I could careless
the movie was just bad. The plot didn't make any sense. Jor-El is a scientist but he beat Zod up pretty easy, who was supposed to be genetically engineered to be a warrior. They arrest Zod put him in the phantom zone, then the very next scene Kyrpton is blowing up, shyt was ackward.
So Zod wanted to turn Earth to Krypton with a machine for what?
He didn't enjoy having god like power and being virtually immortal.
machine caused most the damage not the fight between him in Zod, the fukking city was already leveled before they even fought.
Also what was the point of the yellow sun if they can lose their powers just by changing the atmosphere. Also Zod has a ship with a whole crew of Kryptonians, they chould all just touched down and ganged up on superman with their powers.
Also why does Superman sound like a jet when he takes off and flies, he is not wearing Iron Man's suit, he shouldn't leave jet stream like he has rockets either. It's like Synder watched Iron Man 1 when he broke the barrier and was, wow that looks cool. I swear they even used the same SFX
movie seemed like a rush job, and proves great special effects cannot save a bad movie it deserved all those reviews, watching After Earth today hopefully its better than this.