All Star
I'm glad that after so many years we finally gonna get a modern version of Superman rather than a continuation of Donner's Silver Age Superman movies, but as epic and bad-ass as it looks, I still have reservations.
David Goyer has never shown any real understanding of or respect for what makes Superman such an iconic hero (he wrote one of the absolute worst Superman stories ever in Action Comics #900 ), and it shows in the trailers with the dodgy Pa Kent portrayal (Pa Kent telling Clark to let people die is like Uncle Ben telling Peter that with great power, he can do whatever he sees fit) and being jokey about the S on the chest. I wouldn't be surprised is there's some really corny joke mocking the glasses and haircut disguise in the movie as well.
I have high hopes Snyder and Nolan kept his weak ass in check though, especially because I have a lot of faith in Snyder's over-the-top extravagance juxtaposing Nolan's down-to-earth realism and balancing out their styles.
There have been far worse Superman stories than that. The citizenship renouncing makes sense within a modern context. We don't deal in moral black and whites anymore and people won't relate to a superman that doesn't reflect that.