Man of Steel (2013)


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Problem is I think I would have prefered a struggle to come to that decision.

This guy actually showed up in his Superman suit to turn himself in to Zod:martin:

There were absolutley 0 emotions on either side coming from Clark,I would have liked to either see some fear on his end. Or better yet maybe fear turned into excitement to meet his fellow Kryptonians and finding out he wasn't alone. I think if they would have focused in more on him wanting to belong and to desperately to not feel alone. It would have put alot more weight on him having to fight his fellow Kryptonians,and in the end having to kill Zod. I felt very little weight there,the did nothing to make us feel it,we were just supposed to:beli:

But yeah that still bothers me,and maybe since he is not that young in the movie,they didn't think they couldn't pull off the boyish excitment,nervousness, or him being naive. Maybe they thought that would make him look weak or something. But him just showing up out the blue with his superman suit on,extra cocky,like he been doing this for years?Wasn't really feeling that.

His reluctance to act is one of the things that made this movie great in the beginning. They did great in the beginning to show struggle people don't really see from superman and never have before. But half way through the movie they lost sight and went back to Supermanning up the place,and they haven't looked back since.

This is something I've noticed in Snyder's movies except for Watchmen(which was a self-contained blueprint). He can't connect emotions from one part of a movie to another.

Sucker Punch was really bad about it. The lead character kills her sister with a gun by accident but when we go into her mind, her weapon of choice is a gun. Nothing was made of the fact she traumatically killed her sister with this kind of weapon. She just has it now.


Mar 11, 2015
In the novel I remember it was more like Clark was a little uncertain about Zod's intent mixed with a little bit of astonishment about that there were other Kryptonians.
Novel was based off the script so I don't know if they shoot more but took out due to run time or the script was changed while the book was written.

I would have liked to seen it shown that way one screen. But I guess they wanted to make it clear Zod hated Clark due to his father,and there would be none of Zod trying to charm,or play on Clarks emotions to try to get him to turn the codex over:patrice:?Zod played his hand pretty quickly and kept it 100. Irrc his way of trying to get the codex was showing Clark a playground full of baby skulls:gucci:? I could be remembering wrong though,maybe that was Clark having a premenition.


Life is absurd. Lean into it.
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Doomsday was just as wack as Steppin Wolf bro:snoop:

Nobody gives a damn about Steppin Wolf,but Doomsday is a big name villian that they should have gotten right. Not only did he look like crap,but he just didn't seem that menacing. Agree they should've slowed down the universe and worked there way up to Doomsday. Doomsday should have been the monster for a whole movie ,violating the justice league one at a time,like it seems Thanos is about to do to the avengers.

Yeah...that iteration of Doomsday was wack...I try to forget that was Doomsday.

That should have been Bizarro...shyt that villain had more in common metaphysically with Bizarro than Doomsday.


Mar 11, 2015
This is something I've noticed in Snyder's movies except for Watchmen(which was a self-contained blueprint). He can't connect emotions from one part of a movie to another.

Sucker Punch was really bad about it. The lead character kills her sister with a gun by accident but when we go into her mind, her weapon of choice is a gun. Nothing was made of the fact she traumatically killed her sister with this kind of weapon. She just has it now.

He may be much better at writing phsycopaths than heros:mjlol:


Mar 11, 2015
What options does he present? Clark never ask him for help about his future. He ask questions about why he sent him here. Why didn't they come with him?

Compare that scene to Batman Begins.

Ra's gives him a sword to kill and join the League. Bruce tells him no and that there's a different way. That's not how he wants to do it. He doesn't walk out of the League of Shadows knowing he wants to be Batman. Just reinforces that he's not a murder. And he still believes in justice despite not getting it for his parents. And Gotham is worth saving.

Nothing about that scene hits any of those notes. Clark never voices what he wants or doesn't want. He can help people but never talks about what scale of help he wants to do. Help a city? help a neighborhood? help the world? Does he think he can do more?

Yeah I'm going to have to watch the directors cut of this,anybody know if its that much different? All I know is yall are reminding me of all the reasons why I really didn't like this movie. Not because its really bad,but because it could have been great.This movie had alot of potential,with the way it started off I really loved the direction it was going.

Clark absolutley threw Pa Kents wishes in the bushes upon meeting his alien birth father. Jorels conscience may be where this movie goes down hill when I think about it:martin:. The way Clark wanted to help people and did early in the movie,but would constantly move around to keep from being revealed,used aliases,which I felt he was doing to respect Pa Kents wishes. He even watched his father die in order to respect his wishes.

To have him imo show very little regard in fully taking on the Superman identity, irks the hell out of me even thinking about it. Showing up in your full on Superman outfit full of confidence? No trying to do the right thing while still respecting Pa Kents wishes at the same time. Why no reluctance on his behalf?was the talk with church scene supposed to be the moment?I will say some of this is Cavills stale acting chops possibly,maybe a better actor could have made that church seen be the moment. But I didn't really feel it there.

Thats why Pa Kent dying is so pointless,how stupid it looked is the smallest problem I have with his death.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
What options does he present? Clark never ask him for help about his future. He ask questions about why he sent him here. Why didn't they come with him?

Compare that scene to Batman Begins.

Ra's gives him a sword to kill and join the League. Bruce tells him no and that there's a different way. That's not how he wants to do it. He doesn't walk out of the League of Shadows knowing he wants to be Batman. Just reinforces that he's not a murder. And he still believes in justice despite not getting it for his parents. And Gotham is worth saving.

Nothing about that scene hits any of those notes. Clark never voices what he wants or doesn't want. He can help people but never talks about what scale of help he wants to do. Help a city? help a neighborhood? help the world? Does he think he can do more?
Presented an option. One option.

Clark is still learning about his abilities and still coming to grasp that he is from another planet. Putting myself in that scenario, I wanted no off bat what I could accomplish until I tried. I wouldn't expect Clark would either. We have uncertainties about ourselves so I don't what's wrong with having that in a fictional character definitely when they are trying to make him more relatable.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Yeah I'm going to have to watch the directors cut of this,anybody know if its that much different? All I know is yall are reminding me of all the reasons why I really didn't like this movie. Not because its really bad,but because it could have been great.This movie had alot of potential,with the way it started off I really loved the direction it was going.

Clark absolutley threw Pa Kents wishes in the bushes upon meeting his alien birth father. Jorels conscience may be where this movie goes down hill when I think about it:martin:. The way Clark wanted to help people and did early in the movie,but would constantly move around to keep from being revealed,used aliases,which I felt he was doing to respect Pa Kents wishes. He even watched his father die in order to respect his wishes.

To have him imo show very little regard in fully taking on the Superman identity, irks the hell out of me even thinking about it. Showing up in your full on Superman outfit full of confidence? No trying to do the right thing while still respecting Pa Kents wishes at the same time. Why no reluctance on his behalf?was the talk with church scene supposed to be the moment?I will say some of this is Cavills stale acting chops possibly,maybe a better actor could have made that church seen be the moment. But I didn't really feel it there.

Thats why Pa Kent dying is so pointless,how stupid it looked is the smallest problem I have with his death.
It wasn't that Jonathan didn't want him to reveal himself. It was when he thought the world would be ready. If I'm not mistaken Zod made himself public first. And Lois Lane found out who he was before becoming Superman. I think Clark figured that he couldn't keep doing it the way he was because he would be discovered and be taken away and who knows what would happen to his mother.


Mar 11, 2015
It wasn't that Jonathan didn't want him to reveal himself. It was when he thought the world would be ready. If I'm not mistaken Zod made himself public first. And Lois Lane found out who he was before becoming Superman. I think Clark figured that he couldn't keep doing it the way he was because he would be discovered and be taken away and who knows what would happen to his mother.

He sure made up for lost time on some Kaitlyn Jenner shyt:scust:

Came out cape swinging,sure of himself.

And your right,new candidate for when the movie took a turn for the worst instead of Jorel showing back up. Shoe horning Lois Lane into the movie,i guess trying to get some of that teenage Twilight money:martin:. The most forced on screen romance in the comic movie world,right after Hulk and Scarlett Witch.

Superman franchise won't be saved until they just find a way to kill Lois,or at least get rid of her somehow. Boy I tell you,when she showed up as "the big gun" in the Justice League movie.

ruined MOS,ruined Justice League just as I thought we were about to see a Hulk like Superman fukking the city up,and the Justice League minus Superman having to try to stop him for a little bit. But nope,instead we get Lois snapping him out of whatever angry mode he was in that the lasso of truth couldn't,immediately. Lets snap Superman out of this,so we can focus on the more interesting Step In Wolf villian.

Man,this DC universe stinks:mjlol:

Burn this shyt down to the ground already. How can you save it without many deaths and recastings?Lois as Supermans only vulnerability and weakness.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
He sure made up for lost time on some Kaitlyn Jenner shyt:scust:

Came out cape swinging,sure of himself.

And your right,new candidate for when the movie took a turn for the worst instead of Jorel showing back up. Shoe horning Lois Lane into the movie,i guess trying to get some of that teenage Twilight money:martin:. The most forced on screen romance in the comic movie world,right after Hulk and Scarlett Witch.

Superman franchise won't be saved until they just find a way to kill Lois,or at least get rid of her somehow. Boy I tell you,when she showed up as "the big gun" in the Justice League movie.

ruined MOS,ruined Justice League just as I thought we were about to see a Hulk like Superman fukking the city up,and the Justice League minus Superman having to try to stop him for a little bit. But nope,instead we get Lois snapping him out of whatever angry mode he was in that the lasso of truth couldn't,immediately. Lets snap Superman out of this,so we can focus on the more interesting Step In Wolf villian.

Man,this DC universe stinks:mjlol:

Burn this shyt down to the ground already. How can you save it without many deaths and recastings?Lois as Supermans only vulnerability and weakness.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Now I know why this movie still has the best action scenes to this day...

"The film's storyboard was created by Filipino-American storyboard artist Jay Oliva, in his first live-action feature film project, along with Snyder.[74] Oliva has cited the Japanese anime shows Dragon Ball Z and Birdy the Mighty as an inspiration for the film's epic battle scenes. During the film's brainstorming, Oliva pitched the idea as, "I could come up with something I’ve never seen in live action American cinema and only in anime".[75]"
May 1, 2012
Now I know why this movie still has the best action scenes to this day...

"The film's storyboard was created by Filipino-American storyboard artist Jay Oliva, in his first live-action feature film project, along with Snyder.[74] Oliva has cited the Japanese anime shows Dragon Ball Z and Birdy the Mighty as an inspiration for the film's epic battle scenes. During the film's brainstorming, Oliva pitched the idea as, "I could come up with something I’ve never seen in live action American cinema and only in anime".[75]"

They did it justice. Many of us compared it to real live action DBZ in real time too... Classic movie. :whew:


🐉⛩️ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ 🐉
Jun 15, 2012
Remember in this movie, on planet Krypton, babies were not being born naturally, they were born of a pod, same as artificial insemination or a test tube baby. Kal El was the first natural birthed Kryptonian in a long time and the last to be born naturally. Jor El infused the Genetic Codex (mitochondrial lineage) into his son and helped his infant son escape from Krypton on the brink of exploding. Kal El is the christ/Super Heru. Even biblically, Laura/Mary and Kal El/Yeshua. In real life, although they’ve already did it in the 1940s and been doing it since, the elitest are trying create more genetically altered and modified babies with Crispr Cas-9 for designer babies and more. What took over planet Krypton in the Cartoon, Braniac/artificial intelligence. In the cartoon, it’s braniac/artificial intelligence but in the Man of Steel movie, it’s General Zod, who just may possibly was a pod baby. If so, General Zod was creating babies/designer/Crispr Cas-9 as super soldiers. Although they’ve been doing it and already exists, what has recently been talked about in China, super soldiers...the S on Superman’s chest the the Kundalini of course and he gets his power from the Sun, that’s the function of eumelanated melanocytes.