I think they should have added Snyder slow-mo in some of the sequences......
That Pa Kent bullshyt was the most confusing part of the movie. He straight up told Clark to be a nobody coward his entire life yet somehow the kid grows up to be hero.
(Superman has Zod in a headlock)
Zod: You are such an a$$hole!
Superman: What did I do?
Zod: Hey, remember when you blew up that ship with all the tree pod babies? You committed genocide!
Superman: But…
Zod: No buts! You destroyed pretty much the entire last bit of the Krypytonian race, besides you, me, and those dudes you sent back to the Phantom Zone!
Superman: Hey, you were trying to kill all of humanity with the World Engine thing!
Zod: You know why? BECAUSE I’M THE fukkING VILLAIN. I’m evil; that’s what I do. Aren’t you supposed to be better than that?
Superman: What else was I supposed to do?
Zod: Well, you could have not destroyed my ship and concentrated on just defeating me. Then you could have restarted the Kryptonian race again and sent them to another planet or taught them to co-exist with humans or something. It wouldn’t have been that hard.
Superman: But I saved humanity!
Zod: Well, kind of. I mean, you still managed to let an area the size of Manhattan get completely annihilated. And thanks to the disaster porn-loving director, we got to see countless people getting killed, really emphasizing your inability to save them. Have you seen the estimated damage and death tolls from our final fight?
Superman: No…
Zod: It’s fukked up, man. Hey, you know what I just realized? I only tried to commit genocide, but you accidentally succeeded at it! Nice work, dikk!
Superman: Shut up! I’m dark and tortured!
Zod: And that’s the fukking problem. “Dark and tortured” and “Superman” never belong in the same sentence, unless that sentence is “Superman met his dark and tortured friend Batman for coffee.”
Superman: That’s not fair! People love Batman, and he’s dark and tortured. So why is it bad for me to do the same thing?
Zod: Because that’s the exact antithesis to what Superman is supposed to be. He’s supposed to be better than us, to inspire us, to not make the same stupid mistakes humans do. He’s supposed to have every reason to be dark and tortured, given his origin and the evil he’s seen, but he never loses his hope and optimism — not just for himself, but for the entire human race! This dumb movie has gotten one thing right, and that’s that Superman is supposed to represent hope. What hope have you actually inspired? “I hope this alien turns himself in so our planet doesn’t get destroyed?” “I hope Superman defeats that machine thing before the casualties in Metropolis hit a million?” “I hope Superman doesn’t throw Zod through my building during his fight because it would really suck to have survived the World Engine thingie and then die because Superman isn’t watching where he punches a dude?”
Superman: …
Zod: You know, this is total bullshyt. I’m so pissed off I’m going to kill this nearby family with my heat vision.
Superman: All right, I guess I have to kill you.
Zod: No, goddammit! You don’t! I would, because I’m a fukking bad guy, but you’re supposed to be the hero! You’re supposed to find a goddamn way that solves this problem that doesn’t go against your moral code! And there are so many fukking ways you can get out of this situation without killing me! You could cover my eyes! You could fly off with me! And that’s just off the top of my head!
Superman: Well, if you really wanted to kill these people, you could, you know, just look at them.
Zod: I’m trying! You’re holding my head!
Superman: Yeah, but you know you can move your eyes without moving your head, right?
Zod: Oh. Oh yeah.
Superman: You’ve just been staring straight ahead and refusing to look around.
Zod: Okay. Admittedly, I feel kind of stupid. But that doesn’t negate that shyt I said earlier!
Superman: Hey, you know what does negate it?
Zod: What?
(Superman snaps Zod’s neck)
Was supposed to finally see this today, IMAX 3D. The projector was broken. Had to see World War Z instead.
Nah, Phoenixwhat kind of bootleg theatre you go to breh?
Don't you stay in NYC
Just to quick heads up to anyone who torrents, there's a decent R5 copy of this flick out there. Just downloaded it to see and sure enough it looks strong
Another question, I thought it was the suns radiation you know that whole yellow sun thing that gave kryptonians their power so why is everyone assuming the world machine would have taken away Zod and his crews powers after it changed the atmosphere. the earths topography had norhing to do with it. superman still had powers in space. Superman lost his power because he was on that ship so one could assume it blocked out the suns radiation
Zod wasn't no dummy. He wanted to transform earth to stick it to Jor-El. Or he could've figured one planet is just as good as the next. But he could have easily terraformed Mars. Zod could've turned mars into krypton. Superman could've told them about Mars but I guess that would make too much sense.
its actually an hd TS copy (updated cam copy)but the picture is on point.....audio goes outta sync a lot throughout tho