My problem with this movie is it started off like they wuz gonna go in a more serious/heavy direction with the movie starting off which I must agree makes u notice the plot holes and cheesy shyt in the movie,I couldn't believe dudes talkin about plot holes in shyt in a superman movie,becuz its supposed to be a lighthearted movie....this movie didn't decide what it wanted to be enough,be dramatic and heavy or be cartoonish and lighthearted like the marvel movies...cartoonish is almost a insult bcuz the superman cartoon had better writing then this to keep it funky.
And they spent way too much time on krypton,had no idea how wack supermans backstorry rather them just showed his spaceship in the beggining and explain that krypton shyt and who zod wuz in 5 minutes...or just had russell crowe explain it in the ship once clark found it like he did rather they had showed more of his childhood or teenage yrs with him gettin into his first piece of puzzy breaking the headboard with backshots on Lana Lang oppose to the cut scenes and flashbacks,maybe it woulda helped me connnect with adult superman more,if he did more than whine and cry in the scenes they showed em as a kid and teen.
Second complaint is the bad acting of Superman,maybe I need to go back and look at the old supermans but I don't remember christopher reeves,the superman returns superman or even dude from smallville acting this damn robotic

....just didn't have much range,either no emotion or a scream face wasn't cheering for em cuz u gave a damn about his character as much as it wuz cuz he wuz superman and he's supposed to Bane wuz beatin batman azz I wuz

I think a better actor would've went a long way,instead of just getting the guy with the best look for superman....I wuz thinkin about getting a gym membership during sum of his acting scenes lol....Lois Lane wuz a good actress but sumthing about her gave her mom energy like she wuz old enuff to be his mom....maybe becuz he looked to young,I don't know how old he wuz supposed to be,but he struck me as early 20's and she looked like she wuz nearing 40 admittedly I'm not good at telling white womens ages...but she looked to damn old for him unless they gon make this a milf crush booty call thing and not a ssoul mate thing....hittin that latenite would be believable but love?that would mae superman look like a lame for real....lois lane supposed to be out of his league on sum level whether it be looks or becuz Clark so akward with women...well see if they make him akward clumsy clark in the next one.
That's when I finally realized it wuz supposed to not be a serious movies without plotholes but caroonish for the kids is when he came in with the glasses on and shook her hand and she didn't recognize em

...all bcuz of the damn glasses,I guess there's never a way around making them seem ridiculous I just wish I wouldna forgot about that bullshyt that makes me go

every superman movie so I coulda enjoyed it more for what it wuz.
Another angry moment wuz when he sat back and watched his pops die

....u didn't even need to use no powers u bytch azz nikka! U coulda ran towards the tornado gingerly like your pops and did a light jog with him in your arms back under the bridge....that tornado apparenly wuznt that damn strong the fact kevin costner wuz able to give a hand motion and smile lovingly when that tornado wuz damn near on top of his azz

...they killed him off for sum weak azz excuse for a inner struggle as to why he doesn't want to be revealed to the world,fuk outta here......I woulda liked to see his pops and Zog have a little dialogue,pops wuz the biggest savage in the movie.....replying "maybe

" to letting little kids die in a river...superman only went sav mode when they choked his mama,I cheered bcuz I could connect with that
Next movie hopefully they change Lois Lanes(I don't remember if people complained when batman changed rachels to an uglier rachel)...but I'm suggesting just a younger looking Lois with equal acting ability......better writers far as dialogue,give superman more personality if possible...maybe a better more comical lois will be able to offset story looking flabby and sick if they stick wit who they got..