The scenario is insanely insecure people.
There ain't no different scenario, it's only one scenario and the scenario is insecurity.
Have you ever met a man who fukked a coworker? Did he brag about it? Does your girl have any make coworkers? I mean she's around other dudes for at least 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year damn near 2000 hours a year.

maybe I'm being insecure but that sounds like plenty of time to plot and scheme, spit game, make jokes, slip in little compliments, ask what her favorite movies and songs are, what she likes to know what let's eat lunch together, he brings her coffee or a cookie, maybe a candy she likes, damn maybe they exchange numbers cause of work stuff...
In fact new rule: Women can't have no male coworkers! All men coworkers can

. Single ones will fukk because there's no consequences and married ones will fukk because it's forbidden fruit.
Maybe this is why some men let their wives be staying at home moms and insist on paying all the bills, too many predatory men, right?