Nah he was right. Most of the dumbasses who spent the last two election cycles being useful idiots for MAGA have spent the post election period trying to to churn out these "b bbut but it would have been bad with the Dems too...
" clown takes. Like please shut up, mfs are not saving face on this one.
nikka only one group of constituents had a politician running on a platform of removing lobbying from politics and it wasn't repubs.
Only one side ran a platform that included having the 1% pay a fair share in taxes, a prospect that scared Elon Musk enough that he spent billions on Twitter and 300 million paying Trump's bills. It wasn't repubs
Hell, even some of those "crazy California liberul" ideas people hated like making corporations pay illegals fair wages would have helped in this situation. If the corpos had to pay fair wages to immigrant and American workers then suddenly the appeal of the immigrant workers is gone without the prospect of underpaying them and hanging deportation over their heads. But everybody gagged at the idea of treating them as more than 2nd class citizens and drinking the xenophobia kool aid. So now corporations will exploit them at your expense, GG.
The bottom line is everybody was well aware that it was a class issue months ago when clowns spent their political capital on their shytty edgelord takes "fukk the LGBT" "she's not really black!" "hahaha Dems mad!" "Both sides" "tangibles!" or whatever other carrot on a stick that propagandists dangled in front of them. People still took the bait. Now y'all wanna be class conscious a day late and a dollar short after handing the fox the keys to the henhouse.
We had chances to fight this. nikkas know what they chose instead