I loved the phone call to Peggy ... I always most intrigued by their relationship most on the show, and it felt fitting that is who Don would call at his lowest point.Teddy told Don a few episodes ago that there are three women in every man's life.
Don called Sally, Betty and Peggy
I loved the Stan/Peggy angle too, I've been waiting on that for years. It kind of blindsided when it happened, always something I rooted for. The signs were there though, with Stan clearly not taking his girlfriend seriously, and Peggy not being able to connect with any man outside of work, she just never opened herself up to it, but Stan was able to see her true beauty working alongside her in the office, where she shines brightest. He was definitely trying to make her jealous earlier in the season with that older chick too. That scene could have fallen flat on its face, but both actors absolutely knocked it out of the park, especially Peggy.
Fitting ends for Joan & Roger as well. Joan is moving on to running her own shyt, and staying close to her child. Roger finally finds his match in Marie. Pete gets to keep his W as well ...
Watching Sally doing the dishes(and cooking for her brother) while Betty smokes away ... Sally done grown up

Very happy endings all around ... and last but not least Don
That scene with Betty

He gets his happy ending finally too, seemingly being able to clear his mind of his baggage and going back to conquer his world like only he can.
I'd say a good, perhaps not great finale for one of the greatest shows of all time.