Mad Men: Season 7 (Part 1) 'The Beginning' - April 13th

Food Mane

May 1, 2012

Not the best angle, but you get the idea:


Food Mane

May 1, 2012

I actually have a print of that in my apartment. He is getting shot but it still looks remarkably similar to the mad men opening.

I re-watched American psycho about two years ago and it really jumped out at me. Of course, it would be silly to think that Don is going to go the Bateman route. But it got me thinking about the similarities between the two stories. The modern world forces man to wear a different skin, to create an identity for himself contrary to his true nature to thrive, he can't take the pressure and takes it out on the women around him.


May 1, 2012
I feel real dumb but I got lost at the end of the meeting with Don and the tobacco people

what was Don implying at the end ?

lou and jim want to land a huge client with major paper, not just because it's good for the agency but because they'll be able to afford to buy don out. marlboro has the money and even better, they don't want to work with a guy who openly shyt on the whole tobacco industry. so their pitch to them is not only will we do good work for y'all...but fukk it, we don't want him here anyways, so we'll get rid of don altogether if it sweetens the deal.

harry lets the cat out of the bag about the meeting, don puts 2 and 2 together and goes back to new york. he shows up unexpectedly to everyone but acts like he's been in on the negotiations the whole time and that he's more about the company than saving himself on some "yeah, sign with us and if y'all want me out, then i'm out. it's just business, i'd totally understand" shyt. then, he turns around and starts selling himself. he explains that despite his previous anti-tobacco rant, he's still one of the best in the industry and not only does he have the talent to produce a great campaign but he has experience being on the other side. don knows their enemy better than anyone else out there trying to sell smokes. he's telling marlboro "i know you're mad but i'm the man for the job...and you know it. so weigh your grudge against the competitive advantage i bring to the table."

so if that stunt works, don's not only gonna save himself from getting pushed out of his own company but he'll help land a whale client who wants him working on their account. he'll walk in to the next partner's meeting like :smugdraper:


I Love Hip-Hop
Apr 30, 2012
finally caught up....

:to: my nikka ginsberg

ibm came through and fukked up all the synergy in the office lol.....

I knew don was going to smash megan and her friend the minute he stepped into the party...Don about to snatch that deal right from under them like a boss...

fukk Lou and anybody that love him...i've hated dude since the second he popped up on screen....fukk that a$$hole...

season is dope so far

Lord Beasley

Aug 2, 2012
469 x 972 x 702
i knew she was scoping from when she first met don in the kitchen. she was smitten and he's don draper :smugdraper:
i just didn't know how it would play out: if she'd catch him on some creep stuff or with meag's permission.

:laff: @ ginsberg thinking they were talking dirty to each other when they were probably just going over the plan. that boy wilded out :mjlol:


Apr 30, 2012
lou and jim want to land a huge client with major paper, not just because it's good for the agency but because they'll be able to afford to buy don out. marlboro has the money and even better, they don't want to work with a guy who openly shyt on the whole tobacco industry. so their pitch to them is not only will we do good work for y'all...but fukk it, we don't want him here anyways, so we'll get rid of don altogether if it sweetens the deal.

harry lets the cat out of the bag about the meeting, don puts 2 and 2 together and goes back to new york. he shows up unexpectedly to everyone but acts like he's been in on the negotiations the whole time and that he's more about the company than saving himself on some "yeah, sign with us and if y'all want me out, then i'm out. it's just business, i'd totally understand" shyt. then, he turns around and starts selling himself. he explains that despite his previous anti-tobacco rant, he's still one of the best in the industry and not only does he have the talent to produce a great campaign but he has experience being on the other side. don knows their enemy better than anyone else out there trying to sell smokes. he's telling marlboro "i know you're mad but i'm the man for the job...and you know it. so weigh your grudge against the competitive advantage i bring to the table."

so if that stunt works, don's not only gonna save himself from getting pushed out of his own company but he'll help land a whale client who wants him working on their account. he'll walk in to the next partner's meeting like :smugdraper:
In addition, he told them, I know you'd love to show off to your competitors that you're the ones that got me fired, but imagine being able to brag to your competitors that you got me to promote cigs again :smugdraper:
May 7, 2012
lou and jim want to land a huge client with major paper, not just because it's good for the agency but because they'll be able to afford to buy don out. marlboro has the money and even better, they don't want to work with a guy who openly shyt on the whole tobacco industry. so their pitch to them is not only will we do good work for y'all...but fukk it, we don't want him here anyways, so we'll get rid of don altogether if it sweetens the deal.

harry lets the cat out of the bag about the meeting, don puts 2 and 2 together and goes back to new york. he shows up unexpectedly to everyone but acts like he's been in on the negotiations the whole time and that he's more about the company than saving himself on some "yeah, sign with us and if y'all want me out, then i'm out. it's just business, i'd totally understand" shyt. then, he turns around and starts selling himself. he explains that despite his previous anti-tobacco rant, he's still one of the best in the industry and not only does he have the talent to produce a great campaign but he has experience being on the other side. don knows their enemy better than anyone else out there trying to sell smokes. he's telling marlboro "i know you're mad but i'm the man for the job...and you know it. so weigh your grudge against the competitive advantage i bring to the table."

so if that stunt works, don's not only gonna save himself from getting pushed out of his own company but he'll help land a whale client who wants him working on their account. he'll walk in to the next partner's meeting like :smugdraper:

Good look on the explanation. I knew they were trying to get Phillip Morris to force Don out, but I couldn't figure out how this would be any different than just firing him.....I neglected to consider how big of a client they'd be, so it would ease the shock of buying Don out. But it wouldn't have affected the non compete clause would it? I know that Don has now promised to resign, so that would leave it intact, but if Lou and Cutler's plan went through as planned wouldn't that void his non compete?

Also, when does the hammer come down on cigarette advertising? I'm an 80s baby and I remember cigarette ads in magazines, but I can't remember any TV commercials...will Phillip Morris end up not being as much of a boone as they expect?