We did want to know all that shyt about Vader, thats why Lucas made Episode 1 2 and 3 (THREE ENTIRE MOVIES) which showed IN DETAIL the back story of all that shyt.(4 5 and 6)Because its cliche as hell not to mention some shyt you just don't need to waste film on...would some random ass kidnapping scene or seeing her lose an arm really make you connect any more? never been kidnapped and you never lost an cant relate at all. It doesn't compel you at all to connect.
When Star Wars dropped you didnt say "Man...I REALLY wanna see how darth vader got that nebulizer on his face." you didn't just knew he was ill as fukk he choked nikkas with his thoughts and he was handy with that light saber. It didn't matter.
Explain to me how its a waste of film for them to cut to a scene of the green place or her and her mother getting kidnapped as she's talking about it.. Its cliche to show diffeerent scenes and settings now? besides a repetitive car chase setting through a desert??

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