Movie was a mess, sad because between Octavia and the various plot lines they had, there was potential for a much more developed/compelling film.
This doesn’t even work from the “fukkery for fukkery’s sake” angle. Kids being that pressed about drinking...on weeknights at that (I can’t get with all these teen drug/alcohol heavy pictures and shows these days, that’s not the average life of a HS kid)...that y’all hang at some weirdo adult’s house who keeps inviting you over and trying too hard to be down? The second she text y’all/added you on Facebook should have been a wrap for that bytch.
And I find it weird that they used the kids as a vehicle to spark this revenge when, other than maggie’s Mom, sue ann clearly lived I the same town with Ben and Mercedes and could’ve killed them anytime. You telling me she ain’t seen them Hawkins cleaning trucks before
. It also cheapens the charter having her kill the vet, she didn’t seem fixated on just killing people randomly, so having her kill someone other than a target was
5/10 movie with a lot of that coming from Octavia playing such a spazz lol