Funny how you make jokes about members' mental illness when you sound more deranged than all of them combined
I can tell by your punctuation,grammar and editing,you have never stepped foot in Law school,let alone any graduate program
You realize you have replied to my comment twice right?
And as usual,you ignored all my questions
I see why you hate that militant cat so much,didn't he and another member expose you for being a fake lawyer?
You caught feelings like the fraud that you are and started juelzing

Do I have to dig up receipts?

I don't need to know you,all the info is right here
You're not Dominican,just a bitter self hating muthafukka behind a monitor
No way in hell you're raising a baby
nikka you're on this bytch 24/7 arguing and typing your dirty muthafukking ass off
Who does that,while juggling mother duties and a full time job as a lawyer?