You invented a WHOLE baby and a deadbeat baby father just for the coli though
You ain't a muthafukking lawyer either,****
Hate being black so much,you're claiming Dominican
You don't know me...dont know shyt about me . but how appropriate for you of all posters to make use of that drake smiley, when your own "blackface" gets exposed. And your proof and evidence about me is what ?? Nothing but talk like your post history on here. because unlike you, nothing fake about me and I don't owe you any explanation about me, your the one whose whole shyt is up on blast in the op. Stay mad and watching like the jealous ho you sound like .
That's a real reach u dumb fuk..what am I getting out of being a mother, unmarried parent, black- dominican background, on this site of all places when I get threads made about me for the same. who the fuk would lie about that type of background as a subject of discussion on multiple posts being labeled as a "non-black single mother"..Fuk type of intelligence do you have??

...The difference is that I'm accountable for my past with nothing to hide, developed from it. I don't do this shyt for selfish reasons , I comment what the fuk I feel. And black women can have careers along with professional and personal development goals.., just bc your touched overly emotional ass, can't pull any quality ass, Not my fault. All you know is thirst thots and bum bytches...I can tell by your whole persona. Stop assuming mili-aliases and projecting your c00n insecurities, and bucking/cucking for white porn. Maybe you too, can be something in life...but hold old are you again?? Maybe it's not too late for your own kids...worry about being a father and your own responsibilities as a man ; but u want to c00n call and "trans"-fer gossip while assuming your fake identity. Priorities right?