I think initially we lied to them to build them up and make them feel better. Tell them they're all beautiful regardless of size, weight, age or face. Tell them no matter if they're prostitutes and smoke crack, they're still Queens. Telling them regardless of what decisions they make, they deserve the world.
You tell anyone this many lies, they begin to fell infallible and you unable to reel them back into reality. We're at the point now that our women can't take any criticism or critique that's not positive. They deem any nonpraise as bashing and women hate. They rejoice when Kevin Samuel passed bcuz he was giving harsh truth.
They also expect Black men to support and defend all they're actions and demands whether right or wrong. It's almost like a Mother, fatherless son relationship. Black Women thru Black Men under the bus for Kamala Harris.
Personally I think we're to far gone to fix, but we definitely need to stop lying to them so much.