Lurking on LSA shows how much black women are hurting.


May 18, 2012
A lot of those women on there hate men (or pretend to, much like y'all act like y'all hate women). I also think a lot of them on there are mentally ill (just like some of y'all on here). They can be a little bit more ridiculous though. There are more of y'all who look at both sides of things when it comes to gender than it is of them. With them, it's usually take the womans side or you're wrong. Other than that, y'all are basically the same.

I will say though, this site bashes people less in general. Like that site can be so negative sometimes. I get bashing celebrities sometimes, but there are people from instagram and youtube who have multiple threads of them being bashed like they are famous or something. If you don't like them and claim they aren't really famous and irrelevant, then why do you watch all of their youtube videos and have many threads bashing them. That doesn't make sense to me.
A good friend of mine's cousin is a youtuber (makes decent money from it ~100k subscribers) and she hates LSA. They criticize her for whatever reason, some of them seem miserable.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
LSA is a retirement home for skeeted on, smutted out whores that want to reinvent themselves as woke feminist negro bedwenches :ld:

these hoes are seriously mentally ill and want black man to "protect them" but also want to be "independent" whilst also claiming there is "toxic masculinity" and that "straight black men are the white men of black people" whilst also claiming black communities are matriarchal :mjgrin:

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
LSA is a retirement home for skeeted on, smutted out whores that want to reinvent themselves as woke feminist negro bedwenches :ld:

these hoes are seriously mentally ill and want black man to "protect them" but also want to be "independent" whilst also claiming there is "toxic masculinity" and that "straight black men are the white men of black people" whilst also claiming black communities are matriarchal :mjgrin:

Basically this but the community is matriarchal this is a fact and many of them just desire female privilege and cannot get it from the black community because we've been independently thinking as individuals for so long.

So these chicks got kids no man and realize that degree and that job won't bring them shyt as a woman because the system was set up for women to get everything from a man so they're basically hurt and angry at a lot of stuff. Ww going hard for trump was about as real as it gets in terms of what America really is about.


Oct 5, 2015
Low Quality Posting
Funny how DAvid Banner stated this, "If you touch one of our women in any way, we coming down."

and this was their response.

Pretty sure Black men have killed more Black women in 2016 then Trump supporters but whatever the hoteps will clap at so shall it be

So, his hotep ass had a little piece of brain and common sense after all, huh? Who woulda thought?

Y'all know damn well, black men ain't gonna do a damn thing. In fact they will blame the black woman for being attacked. They'll say something like" oh well black women do have nasty attitudes so she probably caused the attack" or they'll mock that same tired stereotype about black women being strong and so we don't need protecting. The only people black men will protect are nonblack women and themselves.

Chick learn to freaking read. We are talking about black men in the USA...i.e. African American men (hence the country where Trump was just elected....hence the racial climate this latest "woke" brother decided to speak on....hence the culture and violence I am speaking on against African American women).

I don't know enough about non American black men but I can unequivocally say African American men are pure trash/detestable.

Quiet as it's kept, I believe people have caught wind of the news of the past year, that black women are leading in education. They are scrambling and they are scared. The thing is, black women are already eons ahead in this moment, since it has already been established that black women are graduating with the most degrees and with the highest degrees. So now they are trying to play catch up. The other problem in addition to them playing catch up is that it is evident that they dont have an innate interest and skill in learning and in education. That is really hard to fake, especially at this point in the game and at their ages. You either have it in you or you dont. All they can do is try to foster their offspring's' interest in education and learning. However, that is getting very expensive to do. Remember, these people don't have the skills or interest to truly learn, so they either have to pay others to do it, or they can try to do it themselves, but they can still be no match against the black woman who was proven to set the standard.
:russell: this the shyt I be talking about, David talking about protection. this monkey bytch talking about educational competition with blk men. like when did cacs give a fukk about a nikkas degree??? half these bytches are under employed with all their degrees.

The only women black males want to protect are non-black women. 13% of black males voted for Trump, thinking they will be closer to white people and other races because "we are all Americans". This election just showed how many black males are only pro-black males and only want equality for black males. Black males will not hear him.

Well, first of all, I don't need anyone but God to protect or defend me and secondly, I'm not letting Trumpites keep me in fear like some of you are. I can't take him seriously anyway if he has spent his whole career downing women and won't hold other Black men accountable for their hatred of Black women. Charity begins at home. Waiting till White folks get bold isn't going to cut it because as soon as everything dies down, it's back to business as usual

Given his previous statements concerning black women, I cannot take this call to protect black women as one without any ulterior motive. Black men as a collective will need their primary support group, black women, more than ever in Trump's America, and black men know this. However, a lot of black women are tired as fukk of the "community" and are looking to move beyond wasting their time showing up for those who don't show up for them, and that includes black men. I expect a whole lot of "support" for black women from hoteps, fukkboys and other misogynists in the near future.

The thought of black men protecting any damn thing is just flat out laughable to most of us which is really telling of how black women in general regard black men.

I mean let's face it...I think most of us know and believe all that "black king" bullshyt is just that...bullshyt. For all their bravado most of them are pretty damn worthless in the grand scheme of things.

I don't know any black woman that expects anything from black men other than basic common courtesy. They can't protect themselves...let alone black women.

And then there is this glaring reality: The only folks black women truly need protecting from ARE black men. The racial hatred whites (etc) spew today usually stops at words (with some exceptions). When it comes to PHYSICAL violence black men are black women's biggest threat. So calling on them to protect black women is an oxymoron.

it's hard protecting someone who don't want your protection.
the funny thing is, had this been reversed and a blk woman said this about blk men, and having blk men's back... she would of been elevated to god status on here.
funny how it's the opposite for blk men on there. "but but it's the same thing", no it's not bytch.


Sep 30, 2015
:yeshrug: Tbh. I lurk LSA when ever a thread here that's hot is featured just to see if LSA comments on it. And really it's the SAME angry bitter trolls who post the same shyt.

half them are just bitter, the other half are just liars going along with the mob mentality. It's obvious

I lurked for the past year ever since I joined the coli and it's crazy how some of the bm there were defending other bm but changed around an post a lot of anti black male threads. If black men on LSA can switch sides like that of course black hoes can

I the coli definitely has some fukkin weirdos, but LSA is on another level of crazy. Half these chicks never even dated a white dude, but hopped on the anti black man train because that's what's popular.

Similar to coli lames, who are problack women one day and I hate black women the next.

I think I've always been consistent. I don't care about black people or black women, they're just the most attractive to me. I fukk white and Spanish girls too, cause I like p*ssy.

I've pretty much been myself unlike alot of these coli weirdo, flip flopping asses, similar to LSA hoes.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Funny how DAvid Banner stated this, "If you touch one of our women in any way, we coming down."

and this was their response.





:russell: this the shyt I be talking about, David talking about protection. this monkey bytch talking about educational competition with blk men. like when did cacs give a fukk about a nikkas degree??? half these bytches are under employed with all their degrees.




it's hard protecting someone who don't want your protection.
the funny thing is, had this been reversed and a blk woman said this about blk men, and having blk men's back... she would of been elevated to god status on here.
funny how it's the opposite for blk men on there. "but but it's the same thing", no it's not bytch.

Chill breh, we don't call black women monkeys around here :whoa:

You can get out of here with that bullsit:camby:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
These are mostly women from my generation, they're not hurt or bitter, they're just socially retarded :yeshrug:

They didn't listen when people told them to leave street/thug nikkas alone, now they're feeling the effects in their 30's lashing out at the world :francis:


Feb 12, 2015
I'd bet my student loans that half them hoes just as socially awkward and inept as the dudes I go in on here. I swear our generation is one of the most emotionally retarded groups to hit the face of the planet.

The excuses is what I can't stand. A lotta blks will give up the natural autonomy they have over their own lives simply to be absolved of any blame for their shytty lives. Get the fukk over urself. How u gon blame an entire race of men for ur inability to find somebody?

That's just as pathetic as those blk dudes always talking about American blk chicks.
Like go outside bytch!