The white media is telling black women in America is actually OK to not try to be like "us".
The white media is well aware the black woman hates herself. (the nappy hair to be exact)
I'm think their motive for picking her is not genuine, although I support their assertion.
I don't think Black women hate themselves. I think some have been programmed to believe their natural beauty isn't enough to attract Black/other males in general.
UNTIL "they" tell us their natural beauty is enough, it'll be hard to convince them otherwise...
Similarly to how no matter how much we try and tell our females not to worship white men, they pray to their white Jesus, and are willing to dump their real man, for the image of some European depiction....
Until "they" tell us white Jesus aint enough, they gonna continue to follow him more than the real Yeshua, even though white Jesus done more harm than good....
Anyway notice that:
-Skin tones dark tanned- midnight black all encompass a natural pre-euro/asian Black skin tones.
-Bigger breast are naturally found in Black women more than other women (not fat, BLACK)
-Bigger lips are more natural in Black women
-Phat asses are more prevalent in Black women, but "they" got a scientific term for the more extreme cases of the "condition".
We been bamboozeled for so long, we don't even realize THEY are, always have, and will continue to try and be US. ONly thing is "they" want to be known as the creators, innovators, and straw that stirs drink...
From the bible to hip hop, shyts obvious with what they do

Almost forgot my main point. Black women have a shyt load more options with their hair than they show. But for whatever reason (watch it become acceptable once "they" deem it so), these hairstyles aren't viewed as acceptable, or even attractive.